Chapter 8

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I woke a couple of hours later to the sound of music, but I was so groggy that I couldn't identify the song. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes before I stood up and looked around the spacious hotel room before my gaze landed on a very familiar figure. 

The world seemed to come to a screeching halt as I looked at the beautiful girl standing in front of me, surprise was the only thing that could be used to described my feelings right now. 

Her light brown hair looked golden in the dusk sunlight that streamed through the glass of the hotel room. I could see her hazel eyes were brimming with tears, making the green flecks stand out even brighter than usual. But nevertheless she was smiling, those adorable little dimples of hers popping out again. 

"Lilah!" I screamed and ran toward her, she laughed and opened her arms for me to collapse into. Onlt then did I identify the song she was playing. It was Kryptonite by 3 Door Down a.k.a Lilah and I's song. 

Before I knew it, I was crying. Fat tear drops that I just couldn't stop. Lilah was crying too, but I was sobbing and I guess it was due to everything that had happened this week. 

My mom kicking me out.

My mom disowning me. 

My baby sister leaving me, probably for good.

The confusion I felt around Harry and how mad that made me. 

From missing my best friend terribly. 

I just sobbed and sobbed, loud, brutal sobs that rocked my entire body with anger and sadness. I didn't want Lilah and I's reunion to be like this, but she had always been the only person who could get me to open up.

She just sat there and took it though, held me in her fragile little arms while I sobbed, running her fingers through my hair. 

Once I had finally run out of tears, she brushed the remaining tears away with the pad of her thumb. "Are you okay, babe?" I looked at her with a watery smile, her kindness and compassion made me want to cry again but I held it together.

"My mom-" I broke off, "She kicked me out. Told me never to contact Sami again" More tears found a way out of my eyes as I said this.

"Awh babe! Come here!" she pulled me into an even fiercer hug and profusely said reassuring things like "She'll come to her senses, she can't live without her eldest daughter forever" and "Your  sister loves you, she'd never let your mom keep you two apart babe" I nodded and slowly, I understood that was she said was true, at least the part about my sister. Sami wouldn't leave me for good.

When she pulled away she looked into my eyes, "There's something else. Fess up" I grinned weakly, she could always tell when something was wrong.

"It's this guy-" she cut me off by jumping off the couch, "Oh My God!!! Ari actually likes someone! Oh my goodness!!" I shot her a fake glare and she sat back down next to me, practically bubbling over with enthusiasm.

"Start talking" she said, I took a deep breath and began to tell her about Harry.

"So this guy, his name is Harry..." I paused and looked at her to see if she'd made the connection yet, from the look in her eyes, I could see she obviously hadn't. I let out the pent up breath and continued "He's really cute; actually I take that back. He's sexy. He's intoxicating, every time I'm around him, I feel..." I paused to get the right word "Alive. It's like every nerve in my whole body lights up in a fire that I can't contain, it rages around me fueled by something I can't explain" 

I jumped to my feet and started pacing while ringing my hands, Lilah watched with intently from the couch, something like pride in her eyes. "He's got these gorgeous chocolate curls that land across his forehead. His eyes are a beautiful shade of light green that darken sometimes, turning into an emerald color" I spun around, and for once I realized that the feelings I had for Harry inticed me, excited me beyond my grasp.

Lilah stood up, "Are you... Are you talking about Harry Styles? As in the millionaire from the biggest boy band in the world?" I gave a peevish nod and I swear her jaw hit the ground. 

She pulled me into a hug and burrowed her head into the crook of my neck. "I'm so proud of you" she muttered into my long locks of gold. 

I laughed, "It felt really good to tell that too someone, now babe? Want to go resurrect our tradition of ice-cream and frappes?" 

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