16 Letters : Letter #9

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   A torrent of rain pelted against the glass windows of my room. I rushed to close them shut and stood there for the longest second, watching as each raindrop splashed against the window. It made a loud noise, trying its best to compete with the thunderstorm but failing miserably. I couldn’t remember how long I stood there, watching as the rain died down to a mere drizzle. I pushed the windows open again and let the cold breeze envelop me in its freezing embrace. I shivered slightly but neglected to keep myself warm as I was transfixed in the moment, too fixated on my thoughts to even breathe, let alone move.

   “Daddy” Haley called me again for what must’ve been the thousandth time. I turned around and she ran up to me, carrying with her the bible I had gotten her for her seventh birthday. It had a bright pink cover on the front with Haley’s name emblazoned on the top right hand corner. “What are you thinking about?” Haley asked me. By now she’s probably used to my daydreaming and the distant, faraway looks I sometimes get; seeing since she’s been my daughter for eight years. Well, today marks the first day of the ninth year that Haley has been my daughter. Wow.

    “I was thinking about my wife, Haley. Your mom” I told her. We walked over to my bed and sat at the edge of it. “Do you miss her?” Haley asked me and at that moment, her question felt laughable. Did I miss her? You’d think that after nine years it would’ve been easier. In fact, it’s gotten harder. Much harder. I’m left to raise a daughter all by myself and sometimes it takes a toll on me. No one ever knows this because most of the time I put up a front. It’s the empty feeling that gets to me. I miss Katie a lot, more so on cold, lonely nights like these. “Yes. Yes I do” I finally say to Haley, and I don’t expect her to understand, seeing since she’s never even met Katie in her life.

    “Daddy, we talk sometimes. Mommy, and I” Haley said all of a sudden. I looked up in surprise. “What do you mean?” I asked her. “Well. There was once when I told her about my new best friend, Noah and how he’s a really, really nice boy”, Haley said. By now I was choking back tears. The very fact that Haley hasn’t met Katie brought me grief. To think that the two most important people in my life have never even laid eyes on each other was depressing. And then, to hear all of this out of the blue was indeed a shocker to me. “Daddy, I don’t know how Mommy sounds like or what her favorite songs are or what she’s like. But I do know that on nights when I’m down or lonely, that she’s right there. I’ve never seen her in person before, but I do feel her sometimes. It’s like she’s watching over me” Haley said.

    After talking to Haley for a long time, we finally got on to what we were supposed to do that night. Every night, we had our quiet time together. It was refreshing to see things from Haley’s point of view sometimes. “ Isaiah 40:28-31, Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” I read, and believed in every word I had said.


Dear Dylan,

        During my times of despair, a good friend of mine pointed out Isaiah 40:28-31, to me. It’s a beautiful verse and I’d like Haley to know it too. Regardless of your situation, I’m hoping you’d stay strong and faithful, like you always have. I’ll always love the both of you.

 Love, Katie.

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