Chapter One

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A/N This is my first story on Wattpad. Please don't judge too harshly.

Annabeth struggled against the chains bounding her to the wall. His screams rang in her ears. Blood curdling, heart renching screams.

She couldn't take it anymore. "STOP!!" She screamed. "STOP, PLEASE!!! LET ME HELP HIM!!"

The guard at her door glanced over his shoulder at her. He muttered something under his breath and approached her while she looked at him with wide, pleading eyes.

"Why should I?" He asked, amused. Annabeth tried to pull herself together. She took a deep breath, trying to block out his pained sobs.

"Because," she began, "if you let him die, you can't.... Do anything to him. That would make your master quite upset." She said as menacingly as she could.

The guard's face visibly paled. Tartarus was not someone you wanted to irritate.

He studied her for a moment before nodding slightly. "Two minutes," he all but whispered to her as he unbound her from the wall.

She quickly followed him down the hall. After too much time, he stepped aside and revealed an image so horrifying it would haunt her dreams.

Percy lay in a pool of his own blood. His limbs stuck out at all the wrong angles. His hair was mangled in a bloody mess and every inch of his body had a scar. And his eyes. Oh gods his eyes.

Green collided with black and pain clouded everything. It was like there was a veil between him and the rest of the world. He looked like he'd been put through one torture too many.

Annabeth was soon overwhelmed with guilt. Ever since they were captured by Tartarus (in Tartarus) he'd been given all the torture. She'd been strapped to a chair and forced to watch. That was the only time she ever saw him anymore.

Annabeth hastily ran to his side. "Shhh," she cooed as she ripped the end of her shirt to stop the blood flow from a newly found wound. She felt hot tears rolling down her cheeks as their eyes connected. He looked like he was begging. Begging her to make it stop.

"Shhh," she said again, pressing harder on the side wound. A yell tore through his lips. His back arched.

"Time's up," the guard said. She shook her head rapidly. "He'll die," she argued. But he was already dragging her away. She tried to fight but without a weapon she was easily overpowered.

"He'll die!" She screamed again. "HE'LL DIE!!!"

Annabeth awoke with a gasp, eyes snapping open. She blinked a few times before lifting her head it's resting spot on the side of the bed. She was in the Big House. But that didn't make her feel any better.

She sat in a chair beside a bedside. His bedside. Annabeth listened to the steady beep of the machine keeping Percy alive. She turned away from him. It was all too much.

She took a deep breath. It was a dream, she thought. No, she corrected herself, it was a nightmare. "Just a nightmare," she said out loud.

But it wasn't just a nightmare, it was a memory.

Disclaimer: I do not own any Percy Jackson nor Heroes of Olympus characters. Sadly, they all belong to Rick Riordan.

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