50k Bonus

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A/N Hey everyone! Thank you so much for 50k. This prompt was given to be by Pieface_786 : when Percy revealed what happened to his kids. Thank you! This is sort of similar to the last bonus chapter, so I apologize now for being unoriginal.

  It was a bad day.

  Annabeth knew it. The kids knew it. And Percy sure as hell knew it.

  It wasn't as if it was unexpected. It happened every year. On the anniversary of the fall.

  Annabeth was affected too. She was glum and jumpy all day. But Percy was just hoping to function through his flashbacks throughout the day. It had been 15 years, and they had two children, and yet he still couldn't have a peaceful day.  Luckily it was a Saturday, so he didn't have any to be anywhere. But it didn't help the tension in the household. Even his five year old daughter could tell something wasn't right. And his son took after his mother in the fact that he was insanely smart and observant, so it was no surprise when his eight year old asked him if he was feeling all right. 

  You'd think he'd be better at hiding it after all of these years, but he couldn't seem to get a grip on his mind. It had gotten so bad that by breakfast, Annabeth was trying to convince him to send the kids to his mother for the day. He had adamantly refused, saying that his mother was busy with his sister and that there was no reason to add to the load.

  By lunch, she had suggested bribing his sister into babysitting for them. He refused once more, his tone significantly more weak than before. The day was only half way over, and staying somewhat coherent around his children seemed like an impossible task. 

  Annabeth gave him a wary look but didn't say anything else. That is, until he had to excuse himself from watching a movie to wait out a flashback. Annabeth found him in their bedroom, curled in on himself at the end of the bed. After she had calmed him down, she took out her cell phone and called his mother.

  She hadn't even gotten a word out before Sally said, "I'll pick them up in five."

  Annabeth sighed in relief, "Thank you," she breathed in, "Thank you."
  "Of course. Is he okay?"
  "He's," she glanced at her husband, taking in his half open eyes and his pale face, "he's been better."
  "He's also been worse," she reminded her. When her daughter-in-law didn't respond, she said softly, "I'll see you in five."

  Percy watched as his wide hung up the phone and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry," he croaked. Her head snapped towards him, "This is not your fault," she told him sternly, "It's okay to have a bad day Perce."

  He closed his eyes and nodded. She kissed cheek before walking into the living room. "Luke! Charlie! Put your shoes on. You're going to Grandma's for a little while. You can hang out with Aunt Mia." (A/N Yes, I know how cliche the kids' names are. I'm unoriginal.)

  "But I want to watch my movie!" Charlie complained.
   "Come on Charlie," Luke muttered, "It'll be fun."

  Her grey eyes lit up at her brother's words, nodding enthusiastically. She adored her big brother; if he agreed with something, she did too. Truly, it helped Annabeth in situations like these.

  She successfully got her children ready to go when there was a knock at the door. She opened it to find Sally and Mia staring back at her. Sally embraced her and the fifteen year old smiled at her. "I decided to tag along," she said. Annabeth gave a weak smile in return.

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