Chapter Seventeen

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Clarisse(mixing things up a bit)

  Clarisse glanced at the Big House as she picked at her uneaten breakfast. She felt a hand on her shoulder and immediately whipped around. Only to find Chris looking down on her, a smile tugging at his lips.   "You should go visit."

  Clarisse sighed. Prissy had been in the Big House for awhile now. About two months. Will, Chiron, the rest of the seven, and his closest friends were the only ones with details as to what was happening. Everybody else had been left to guess. Rumors started.

  All she knew for sure was that he was stabbed with a poisoned dagger. But an Apollo kid had let it slip that something happened to Percy. That the poison affected him somehow. Naturally, she was curious.

  She looked up at Chris. "I don't think I'm welcome."
  "By who? Him? Clarisse he's the most forgiving person alive. You've already made your peace."

  She bit her lip. "Malcolm said Annabeth was there right now. I bet she could use some company," Chris said.
  "Not from me."
  "Oh my gods Clarisse! She'd be more than happy. Plus I think Percy's unconscious at the moment. It won't be as awkward. And I know your more than curious."
  "What's that suppose to mean?"
  "It's suppose to mean that you care."
  "Do not! I'm just curious, that's all. Curious. And with the rumors going around how could you expect me to not be?"
  "Just go Clarisse," he said exasperated.
  "Well, I guess one trip wouldn't kill me."
  Chris nodded, happy with his work. Clarisse stood and trudged to the Big House, leaving her untouched breakfast in her wake.

  When she pushed the door open, she was surprised by the sight she was met with. Annabeth sat next to Prissy's beside. He was unconscious and had an air mask slipped over his head.
  Her hair was a rat's nest. She had bags under her eyes along with dark circles. But the rumor has spread a couple of days ago. So Clarisse assumed that she hadn't gotten much sleep.

  When the door creaked open, Annabeth looked up warily. She looked shocked when she saw Clarisse. But soon she smiled.

  "Hey, Clarisse," she said tiredly, "I was wondering when you'd end up here."
  "Yeah..." Clarisse trailed off. "There-There were some rumors. Just wanted to make sure he wasn't dead."

  Annabeth flinched slightly at her words, but she smiled nevertheless and offered Clarisse a seat.

  "Oh no really, I was just stopping by."
  "No, please. I need some company other than the sound of that stupid machine."
  "Well... I-I guess it's alright," Clarisse muttered as she sat down in an extra chair.

  A moment of silence passed before Annabeth said, "You said something about rumors?"
  "Oh yeah, something about the poison spreading."
  "It was just the remains. It did spread but it's out of his system now. So now he doesn't have to deal with extra pain. Just weakness and the pain that comes with that."
  "Oh, well that's good though right?"
"Yes it is."
  "Then why do you sound so sad?"
  "Because, he still has to get better. He still has to teach himself to walk again. He still has to deal with the nightmares," she whispered.
  "But he won't be in a lot of pain. It'll be easier for him to get better now."
"Your right I suppose."
"I am right."

  Annabeth cracked a smile. They settled into a comfortable silence until Percy's hand twitched. "He's finally waking up," Annabeth said happily.
  "Should I leave?" Clarisse asked, getting up.
  "No! No. He was sedated pretty heavily. I'm not even sure if he'll have nightmares with that."
  "Why can't they do it all the time?"
  "It takes a lot of sedatives to knock him out like this. It would cause an overdose." 
  "Oh," Clarisse said in a small voice.
  "Besides," Annabeth said, "he needs someone to act normally around him. And not overdo it. So just, insult him like you usually would."
  "I can do that," Clarisse smiled.

  Within a half an hour, Percy's eyes snapped open with a sharp intake to the breathing mask. But he didn't look terrified. Or shell shocked. Or in pain. Annabeth seemed just as surprised as he was.

  They both stared at each other, eyebrows raised. Prissy didn't seem to notice Clarisse yet.

  "Are you okay?" Annabeth said slowly.
Percy looked at her, and then down to the mask. "Oh right," Annabeth said, hitting her forehead with the palm of her hand.

  She reached over and slipped the mask off his head. "So?"
  "I'm... Alright."
  "A few. But they were nothing compared to usual." 

  Annabeth simply smiled in return. Clarisse coughed slightly to get his attention.  

  Percy's head snapped in her direction. He looked shocked to see her. But it was quickly replaced by his troublemaker smirk. "Hey Prissy," Clarisse said.
  "Hey toilet face," he replied.
  "I see your still the same punk as usual."
  "Some things never change," he muttered, smiling.

  They spent the next hour insulting each other and trash talking. As Clarisse walked to the arena she whispered under her breath, "Some things never change."

A/N I'm sorry if this was a little boring but I thought it'd be good to see what was going on outside of Percy's "group". And I couldn't leave Clarisse out completely. :)

Disclaimer: I don't own and PJO or HoO characters. All rights go to Rick Riordan.

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