Chapter 16

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Jack's POV
Something's wrong
I bolt over to where I saw Skylar being pulled by that dude. I don't see them anywhere it's as if they disappeared out of thin air. Somethings not right
I run around school looking for her and blow up her phone. That's when I hear a struggling noise... I girl struggling. I follow the noise and see Skylar there fighting this dude. I've never seen her fight but dam she's good. He pinned her to the ground with a knife to her throat saying something to her. I hurry and tackle the dude and he dropped the knife and we started fighting. I ended up knocking him out after awhile.
"Hey are you okay?" I look Skylar over with concern.
"yeah I'm fine... Let's just get out of here before more come" her voice was strong and she had on a poker face. I just nod and take her to my car and drive her to my house.
"Soo... Uhh... Not gonna hang out today I guess..." I say awkwardly
She looks up at me with a smile.
"To hell ya we are!"
"Admit I'm the queen at mortal combat!!" Skylar beat me twice at mortal combat and won't shut up about it.
You did let her win tho, i know but she looks so happy winning so its okay
Jacob soon pops his head in.
"Uh.. Jack.. I need your help"
He had pain in his eyes. Dad did something.. I hurry and get up to go see what damage has been done.
Dad was drunk and was walking towards us. I stood tall and in front of my brother.
"You gay fag! You ruined my life!" He slurs charging at Jacob. I push him to the ground and we start fighting. I know I shouldn't fight back but I need to protect Jacob. He drags me to the basement and locks the door.
You've really done it now jack
"Where's Skylar?" I ask after 2 hours of pain from a whip and knives and his fist.
"I told her to go home when I saw you get taken down.. She doesn't need to hear you scream"
I look down and frown.
"Go over to joey's for tonight. I don't want you in this house when he's like this"
Jacob nods frantically and smiles wide.
Him and his fucking friend
I watch Jacob leave and I go to my room and lay in bed staring at my blade..
1 week clean, 1 week clean
I soon give in and just cry in pain and let the blade draw in red.
Maybe death isn't so bad..
My phone soon interrupts my thoughts.
Friend request from: Skylar Wilson
I accept. And soon get a text.
"hey, our day was cut short. Haha what happened??" -s

"Yeah sorry about that... I was with my dad.." -J

"Oh okay... :P that's fine. Well I gtg bed maybe another time but you don't wanna hang with a nerd:/ ohhh well... Night" -S

"No, we need to hang out. Next time not at my house :D goodnight princess"-J

I will go through this hell for one more night i guess...for her... I'm soon excepted by the darkness and fall asleep



Hello mother HUGGERS! I'm back.. I decided that I should give this another shot.. <3 I hope you enjoyed it. Until next chapter goodbye

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