Alcohol Helps

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I yawned and stretched, swinging my half legs over the side of the bed and already reaching for the prosthetics. That's when I realised I wasn't at my house. And I wasn't on a bed. It was a couch, and this was Aradia's and Sollux' apartment. I didn't remember what happened the night before. My torso felt cold, and I found that I wasn't wearing a shirt.

Putting on my fake legs and limping down the hall to the couple's bedroom, I noticed my surroundings. There were chips spilled around the TV, along with six empty beer bottles and three game controllers that weren't put away.

My memory slowly came back. I was working on my essay for Monday when Sollux and Aradia called me down for video games. I couldn't deny that I wanted to play some CoD, so I went. We had a few beers. I must have passed out. My head was killing me. My brother would have laughed at me for being a lightweight.

I knocked on the door. "Sollux!" I heard a muffled groan inside. "Where's my shirt?"

I heard some incoherent mumbled swears before the door swung open, revealing a tousle-haired, half-naked, very hungover Sollux Captor.

"You had to wake me up," he grumbled, "it's where you left it."

"Where I left it?" I asked, looking at my friend suspiciously. "Please don't tell me I got drunk in public."

I was embarrassing when drunk. Eridan, a classmate, always said that it compensated for my stuffiness everywhere else. He was right.

Sollux was avoiding eye contact. "Well, you wouldn't stop blubbering about how you had to go see someone," he lisped. "AA and I had to get you out somewhere."

"I'm serious," I said firmly.

"At the Starbucks," Sollux finally gave in, "you went in there fuckin' started dancing and shit." He yawned. "Can I go back to bed? I'm tired as hell, and AA's skipping class."

"Can I borrow a shirt?" I asked, already jittery. It was Friday morning, and I didn't have classes, but I wanted my shirt back.

Sollux rolled his eyes and relayed this information to his girlfriend, who groaned in reply and tossed a shirt at his face. Sollux handed it to me, and immediately tottered back to bed.

Pulling the pOrtal T-shirt on over my head, I yawned widely again before stepping out the door. Gamzee didn't work there on Fridays. I didn't know where he went, but he sure wasn't working.

The part-time barista, Jade, said that he had some family issues. She also said that my shirt was in the back, and that me dancing on the table was one of the funniest things she had ever seen. I turned an uncomfortable shade of pink, and got around the counter to grab my shirt.

I took it quickly, thanked Jade, and got the hell out of there.

"Sollux!" I yelled as soon as I got back to Sollux and Aradia's apartment. But nobody answered, except for a few thumps and groans from down the hall.

Changing my shirt and grabbing the videogames that Sollux had oh-so-kindly hijacked from my apartment, I left. I closed the door this time. Last time I had left it wide open, and their TV was stolen. I felt really bad.

I whistled as I let myself into my apartment. I needed a bit of study time. Taking off my prosthetics, I settled onto the bed. My laptop was still there; I clapped it open and made myself comfortable only to groan exasperatedly at the amount of emails I had in my inbox. I swore, if she kept doing this I would tell someone and have them cut off her computer time.

My ex-girlfriend Vriska had been put in prison for paralysing me from the knees down when we were sixteen. I didn't blame her all that much. She had put a lot of emphasis on how irritating I was. But I had faced even more torment after the event, which made it even more painful. And she was still harassing me.

I sighed and opened Facebook. I had Gamzee's name, and if he had an account... There was a total of one result for Gamzee Makara. I clicked on it. Yes, I was going to be "that guy". No, I didn't care at this point.

His face was in full-on clown makeup, and his latest status was, "IcPs CoNcErT wAs ThE mOsT gOdDaMn GlOrIoUs ThInG iVe SeEn In My EnTiRe EnTiRe ExIsTeNcE".

I shuddered. Everyone had flaws, and Gamzee's was apparently his taste in music. But I couldn't judge him for that, not when my only musical enjoyment had been the Peter Pan soundtrack up until I was fifteen.

I quickly clicked out of Facebook and closed my laptop. Oh dear, I had reached the tier of Facebook stalker. Heat rushed to my face and I cradled my cheeks with my hands. That was embarrassing.

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