Shopping & dinner in China

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Hong Kong, China.
30th June, 2015.
8:30 p.m.

Ruxin p.o.v.

It was now time to return America, I was here in China for a month to deal with some traitors who thought betraying ME, The Ruxin King is so easy huh? Well too bad, that's impossible. No human being can do that, not even those supernatural creatures can go against me because I'm The King...... The King of the world Ruxin King.......

Brrring Brrring Brrri-

I answered my ringing phone, while thinking about giving that bastard slow painful death for interrupting my thoughts...

"Hello King."

I heard Vlad King saying from the other side of the phone.... He is just like me well not exactly. He is scary, but he is little calmer than me but that doesn't mean he is not cruel...... he can be very scary & cruel when needed & that's why he is my Second in command , & Lord of every supernatural species. Then there is my third in command who is known as or given the title of Master of every supernatural species, who is currently somewhere across the globe doing some business deal because of mine & Vlad's absence.... Then after Master there is Commander in Chief or Cheif only who looks out or prepares & trains for wars or any worst kind of situations....

"Yes Vlad?" I greeted out.

" King the Temple night street market needs your visit." he asked.

"Did you find them?" I asked angrily, well you see I've very bad short temper issues... I get easily angry, without any reason.

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