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Principal Plowser smiled brightly at each teacher in the room before taking a seat in his black chair, folding his hands on top of the wooden desk while nodding. "I think that the assembly really opened the eyes of the students. I've seen some discussing how the funniest part was when Mr.Styles here staged that fall. It gave everyone a great representation of what drugs could do to someone. Thank you, Mr.Tomlinson."

Harry could not believe that some people thought that it was a staged fall when he had a bruise on the top of his head, which was partially covered by his curly brown hair. He also could not believe that his pain was being credited to Louis instead of his own self—he deserved some recognition for what he's done. Though, he wasn't quite sure about the drug representation part; it probably wasn't important.

"Anything for the students," responded Louis heartily, sounding like the most innocent person in the world, but each time he spoke Harry was reminded of the man nipping and kissing on his skin. "Without Harry's help, this presentation probably wouldn't have been as exciting."'

Liam jumped in with clasped hands, looking between the two and then at Shia before he began, and Harry already knew what was coming. "I think that it would have been better if I was the meme instead."

"Maybe next time, Liam." reassured Louis, then turning his head so that he could look Harry in the eye as Principal Plowser started speaking again. They were skeptical and it made Harry nervously tap his fingers against the table, which was a habit that he found quite annoying, but he couldn't stop himself.

Louis was just so charming, confident, everything that Harry definitely wasn't, and it was extremely distracting. He could no longer pay attention to what the principal was saying, too captivated on the way Louis licked his bottom lip, his tongue obviously teasing Harry. The memory of Louis' mouth against his skin made him shiver all over, and he wondered if the man was thinking about the same thing.


Pulling himself away from his gaze, Harry realized that all eyes were on him yet again, causing his cheeks to burn. Even though Louis was no longer looking at him, he saw the man grin and shake his head from the corner of his eye. "Hm, yes?"

"Since you're in charge of homecoming, we figured that the students could pay a six dollar entry fee in order to raise a bit more money for the art program." said Principal Plowser slowly, making sure that Harry heard him clearly. "And I hope you don't mind, but Mr.Hemmings and Mr.Tomlinson would love to help out with the committee as well."

"Though I am completely useless when it comes to basic things, so I'll be there to encourage and sell tickets." added Louis jokingly, earning a laugh from around the table, the loudest one being from Luke.

Harry, thinking that he was being serious, frowned and shook his head before responding in a rush. "You are not useless."

It seemed like the whole room went quiet at Harry's words, and Harry sank farther down in his chair as Louis looked at him with raised eyebrows. It made him feel like such a lovesick loser, and he could tell that Liam agreed from the way he was blinking; languid and dumbfounded notions with his eyes signaled that. "Thank you, Harry, but if you could stay focused on the task at hand, that would be amazing."

"S–Sorry," Harry muttered shyly, and the sound of even more laughter was making his cheeks hurt.

Eventually, the meeting came to a close and first period was about to begin, so the teachers left with urgency, but Harry was the last to leave. As he walked out into the hallway, the construction paper he had been holding dropped to the floor and scattered around; catching the attention of some of the students passing by. Furiously, he stomped over to a picture taped to a locker and ripped it off, seeing that it was him passed out on the auditorium floor with the caption: DON'T DO DRUGS, KIDS.

taming mr.tomlinson [larry stylinson] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now