29. / face tag yikes

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** SO BASICALLY i was tagged by pleasurelouis :,-) and since my pp is me currently heres a pic of me from MONTHS AGOGOGO GAVE IT should i get long hair again rip

I NOMINATE ! TheDaddyWeekly DysfunctionalBrits (i think u were nominated but who cARES) internxtlou SWEATS U DONT HAVE TO DO IT BUT ITS WHATEVER HEARTS

"Brendon and I will be waiting in the cafeteria until you text us and tell us to open the door. If he tries to kill you, remember that the number is 9-1-1, okay? So walk in there, try to start a bit of conversation, then we will lock the door from the outside." Melanie explained happily as her, Harry, and Brendon walked down the vacant hall to Louis' classroom. While she was invested in the plan, Brendon was busy trying to beat level 25 in Bubble Saga. "There should be a few teachers here on the third floor, so try to keep distressed screams at a minimum."

Then Melanie was pushing him into the direction of Louis' door, taking a step back and waving the key around in her hand. Harry exhaled deeply and tried to give himself reasons why he should go through with this plan, but he couldn't think of many. Regardless, he gathered up enough courage to open the door and walk inside, then quickly shut it as Louis looked up from his paperwork and furrowed his eyebrows at Harry.

"Uh, hi." Harry said carefully, tensing up when he heard the door click from the outside. He felt like he was in the middle of the Hunger Games as he stood in front of the door with his hands held behind his back, afraid that if he bothered to move, then Louis would hit him with the first thing that he picked up before telling Harry to leave. "I'm here to apologize."

Louis didn't say a thing until a minute of silence passed. "Well, thank you for that. You can find your way out now."

"Can't you see that I'm trying to--" Harry said in a rush, but quickly stopped himself so that he wouldn't end up snapping over the fact that Louis didn't understand how anxious he was over this. "Louis, I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry for assuming too, but I just was so curious. I wanted to get to know you better, and I took it too far. That's no excuse either, I know. But I can't handle having you mad at me. We were just finally getting to a good part in our--"

Harry had to stop himself yet again for almost saying 'relationship', hoping that Louis didn't notice his uneasiness as he nervously cleared his throat and said: "Friendship."

"Friendship." Louis repeated. Then he shook his head and went back to writing, a wide grin on his face as he let his pen's ink bleed through the paper he was grading. "I have papers to grade and you're distracting me, Harry. If you could leave, then it would make our lives easier."

"Do you accept my apology?"


"Then I'm not leaving." Harry said as he crossed his arms over his chest and pulled up a chair so that he could sit a few feet away from Louis, who looked like he was about to pounce on top of Harry and claw his eyes out. At first, Harry thought that Louis would do just that, but the man starts to pack up his things and walk toward the door; only to sigh loudly when he realized that it's locked. "What's wrong?"

"The door is locked." Louis replied bluntly, tugging on the handle five times in a row before he stopped to look at Harry, who was trying his best to look surprised, but he never was a good actor.

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