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"Okay, Liam. I'm in the pharmacy right now and I have the Tylenol in my hand, and I am moving toward the back—Fuck." Harry stopped speaking and hurriedly hid behind an aisle when he saw Louis standing in line to buy a bottle of pills that he didn't quite recognize. "Liam, Mr.Tomlinson is here."

Liam coughed violently on the other end of phone, but Harry was too focused on the way Louis was speaking to the worker to care about his well being. "Wow, Louis is in a local pharmacy! Everyone—" Cough. "Sound the alarms. Just be quick, Harry. I am going to die here if I don't get that medicine."

"Hm? Oh, right. I'll be there in at least an hour." Harry said reassuringly before hanging up on Liam, setting the pills down on a random shelf before moving into an aisle that was closer to Louis. "Or more."

He knew that he shouldn't be stalking the man like this, especially in broad daylight, but he just finds seeing Louis outside of the school very interesting. Maybe it was just because he found Louis interesting in general, which could be right since the man was so mysterious. Not just in the odd way that Liam described whenever Harry brought him up, but in a 'I want to get to know you' way. Surprisingly, Harry doesn't knock anything over, which, to him and anyone that knows him, is an accomplishment.

"Remember not to take more than necessary. And stay safe when you get home. Okay, Lou?" The lady behind the cash register said, and Harry should not be so furious with how caring her tone was. But he is. The woman was striking; her blond hair cut into a sleek bob cut, her blue eyes sharp and knowing, and her skin was blemish free.

Louis rolled his eyes as he handed over the money, taking the bag that the woman put the pills inside of and wrapping it around his arm. "You tell me that every time I come here, Taylor. Then I end up coming back here again, as alive as I'll ever be."

After they said their goodbyes, Harry cautiously followed Louis out of the store; jumping behind aisles and pretending to look interested in some shampoo that would make his hair glittery—Well, that doesn't sound to bad actually, but there was no time to buy things. At one point, Harry had to hide behind a cardboard cutout of an M&M since Louis turned around very abruptly, his eyes darting from left to right before he walked out of the store.

Harry huffed and followed close behind, making sure to put on his hoodie and stuff his hands into his pockets so that Louis wouldn't notice him. As he watched Louis move in the direction of a red car, Harry quickly hopped onto his motorcycle, which was parked several feet away. This is a bad idea, following Louis around when he should be bringing Tylenol back home to Liam, but he can't stop himself from revving up the engine when he sees Louis' car start.

Stop now, he thinks to himself as Louis begins to pull out of the parking lot. You can just go get those pills and return home. But the next thing he knows, he's following Louis' car slowly, trying to look like he really wasn't, even though he really was. He purposely stopped in front of stores so Louis wouldn't be aware of the black motorcycle going the same route as he was, and Harry recalls acting as a spy right before he kissed Ashton in the school. His dream was finally coming true.

The drive seems to last forever, but eventually they both are pulling up in front of a big white building that reminded Harry of a hospital. Harry makes sure to park farther away from Louis so that he wouldn't be spotted, looking through squinted eyes as Louis gets out the car and walks toward the building. Harry got off of his vehicle right after he turned it off, letting it sit without a lock just because he simply trusted the place he was in—even if he had never been here in his life.

taming mr.tomlinson [larry stylinson] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now