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So, Harry has a zit on his nose, and he doesn't know what he quite did to deserve it.

He only noticed when he got inside of the school building with a note to Louis in his hand that there was a red bump on the top of his nose because of Brendon, who had said that Harry had 'three heads now' while laughing inside of the teacher's lounge. Directly after his finger felt the bump, he squeaked and took out his phone to look into the camera. It couldn't look that bad, right?

"Brendon, I look hideous! I haven't had a zit like this in...forever! I thought my teenage days were over. Why do bad things happen to me?" Harry shouted, taking a seat next to Brendon with his eyes still glued to his phone and his mouth wide open. "God, this is worse than the Viagra."

Brendon raised his eyebrow. "Viagra?"

"I was supposed to ask Louis out today via note, but he'll want to come up to me afterwards. If he sees this zit on my nose, he'll reject me and then tell me to get lost."

"You're asking Louis out today? That's amazing, Harry—"

"No! It is not amazing. I have another person on my nose, and if I pop it, it'll be noticeable. This is not okay." Harry whined, placing his phone face down so that he no longer would have to look at himself. "Okay, okay, I'm relaxing. It's just a zit. Just a sign that I have to take better care of my face, and I will give Louis the note without freaking out."

Then Melanie popped her head into the room, smiling at the two with a cup of coffee in her hand, the rim decorated with pink marks from her lipstick. "Hi, Brendon. Hi, Harry. Is that a zit?"

Harry screamed into his arm, therefore, muffling the sound, causing both Brendon and Melanie to exchange looks. "I'm a monster. I have to--I have to get rid of it."

"Harry, it's just a zit. Pop it and move on with your life. Now, back to the topic of you asking Louis out via note. Let me see what you wrote." Brendon said while holding his hand out. When Harry shoved the note into Brendon's hand, he saw Melanie quickly rush over to look at it, the corners of her mouth quirking up as her eyes scanned across the words. "Dear Louis, I have written and rewritten this for a total of 47 times. Did you really?"


"Hopefully, you don't think this is too lame," Melanie said leisurely. "but I like you. I can't necessarily say it to your face, and this was originally going to be a poem, but I couldn't rhyme very well. And if I tried asking you out face-to-face I would cry. Date me, please. Harry, this is so cute."

Harry sniffled dramatically and looked up from his resting place on his arm, taking the paper back with ease. "Is it really?"

"Yes, and I know that Louis will love it." Melanie responded, rubbing his arm for reassurance as he stuffed the paper in the front pocket of his jeans.

"Louis will love what?"

It was Louis who had walked inside of the teacher's lounge, and at the sound of his voice, Harry had inhaled sharply and stood up from his chair with his hand covering his nose. With his head bowed down, he left the room, bumping into a few chairs in the process, until he was locked away inside of his classroom of solitude. Should he have said 'good morning' before he left? Damnit, now he felt rude.

The only reasonable decision he could make was to pop it, so he did, but the aftermath of it being that the front of Harry's nose was bright red, like the color of his face whenever he's blushing really hard. He didn't mind having to teach the students with a red nose, but what did bother him was knowing that he'd have to leave the classroom soon and face reality. That reality being how he would get this note to Louis without actually having to talk to him.

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