To Do, or Not To Do

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It's a brand new day and I'm not going to let it go to waste at the hands of sir evil, is what I thought to myself. Unfortunately though, I had a feeling it wasn't going to turn out that way. There was one good thing going for me today, which was the fact that I actually managed to get here earlier than him today, and in fact, he's still not here. Imagine...what a wonderful day it might be if he doesn't show today, I thought to myself as I took the luxury of sitting in his chair. All the prep work was done so why not? No harm no foul, am I right?

Wow his chair sure is comfy, but what else could I expect, from a C.E.O. I closed my eyes and started spinning in his leather chair, I would for sure get up by the time he came. It was early though, also after his talk last night I didn't get much sleep, not to mention this was relaxing so I wasn't about to stop anytime soon.

As I spun with my body falling into a Trans I heard a voice.

"What do you think you are doing!?"

I must really have it bad if I'm hearing his voice in my sleep I thought to myself...

"Seriously get up now Mash! You have stuff to do, and I'm not about to let you sleep it off, especially not in my chair!"

Okay I decided, if my brain was going to play with me in my sleep, and ruin my nap, I might as well play along!

"You're not here right now! Go away! I have a whole day to deal with the real you, no time for an imaginary one!" I retorted.

Suddenly, the chair stopped, and my eyes shot open to see his face right in front of mine.

His green eyes peered into my soul as I got sucked into his magnificence. His face got closer and closer until there was less than a three inch difference between us.

"Enjoying the view?" he smirked.

I was speechless, what was I supposed to say to that anyway? but being as stupid as I am I stuttered, "u-uU-m it-ts no-t-t-".

"Save it, you have work to get to, and stay off my chair, I don't need poor people germs on it!" he said as he backed away.

"u-m kay" I replied.

"I don't like to repeat myself, Get OFF THE DAMN CHAIR!"

I sat there taking it all in, too nervous to move. I could see the anger in his eyes grow as I continued to do nothing.

"I have to do everything myself don't I Mash?", as he said while he grabbed on to my arm, and yanked me up from the chair, once again bringing his eyes closer to mine. He let go of my arm, and sat on his rightful chair.

"Snap Snap! Go sit on your chair!"

I looked to his right, where there was an empty desk and a cute office chair, it was leather too, but it wasn't as gallant as his, it was better than nothing though. I was an idiot for sitting in his chair in the first place, he was right to yell at me. The nameplate was still blank though, I guess mine hadn't come in yet. I went and sat in my place, which wasn't too far from his desk either, it was pretty close. This was the first time I was sitting in my chair though. It was just so hectic the last couple of days.

"Ohkay Mash, now that you've figured out there's a reason for secretaries to have their own desk let's get started with business shall we?"

"Yeah", I replied, with some distance between him and me I was able to gather myself up, "ready for duty sir!"

"Good, now how much progress has there been between you and Berch?"He spontaneously asked.

"I thought we were getting down to business?"

"We are! Now tell me? And don't make me remind you of the rules Mash"

"We barely talked about this last night, and its only 6:00 am today, I haven't even seen Mr.Berch yet, how could I have gotten any progress done?" I questioned.

"Work faster Mash! You better have some progress done by today! You remember this is your punishment, and this is the only favor you could do that would actually pay for what you did and call me sir I'm your boss not your friend, if anything an enemy."

Completely disregarding his remarks I had to clarify something, "What do you mean by progress?.. Exactly...sir?"

He looked at me intensely, as if taking pleasure in that question. He got up, looked out the window, and then looked back at me.

Then, with an evil smirk he simply said "For right now it just means go out on a date with him".

"Um sir what if he.. you know.. you know um...sir"

"I know what?", he asked with a smile, he clearly knew what I was getting at but obviously seemed to be getting a kick out of this whole conversation.

"You know...must I say it...sir"

"You must, or how will I know?" He said unconvincingly, with a smile.

I looked down at my empty desk to avoid eye contact.

"What if he tries to....tries to.. um..k.. kiss" A curtain of embarrassment fell on top of me, I haven't ever discussed anything like this with a guy before, this was all so uncomfortable.

I could feel an evil smirk making its home on his impeccable face, he walked closer, bent down, put his hand on my chin, and faced me towards him. I couldn't look at his eyes, I couldn't. Finally, my eyes after all futile attempts of not making eye contact, made contact.

He smirked, brought his face close to mine, and whispered in my ear, "Kiss him back."


*Hey lovelies, thanks for the support. I will try and upload more chapters ASAP! Stay happy! :D*

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