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Ashleys POV

I don't care. I don't. I know I don't. He's been so mean to me this whole time, why would this even matter to me it doesn't, I know it doesn't. I thought to myself as I tossed and turned in bed. Its his life and you know what I'm happy for him. I should get some sleep, Im thinking too much about this, Stop it Ash! 


Maxs POV

Her eyes, why were they teary? I didn't even say anything to her. Was she frustrated about something? I wonder. But why do I care? Why am I wasting valuable sleep on her? I don't know just something didn't feel right. Very few times have I tensed up this way especially because of a person. Not to mention a girl. Ughhh whats wrong with me, I thought to myself as I was getting out of bed. Something didn't feel right.


Ashleys POV

I think i'm going to go outside and get some fresh air. I got out of bed filled a glass of water, and glanced at the clock  it was 1:45, I could hear the rain outside. I went towards the door, as I was about to open it I heard a knock. Who would come to me at this hour? It doesn't make sense. "Who is it?" I said confused. I waited a couple seconds and no reply came. I looked through the peep hole, it was black. Thats weird I thought to myself thats when it hit me, no durr Ash, its probably Max with his unexpected/unwanted visits.

I quickly unlocked the door, "Maxxx how many times have I said not to show u-", I stopped in the middle of my tracks when I realized it wasn't Max. It was a man soaking wet wearing all black, a black coat, black pants, and a black skii mask, I could see brown eyes peeking through but nothing was too clear. Scared out of my mind I asked, "Um did you need something sir?" 

I waited a couple seconds still no reply. I guess the idea of going out late at night and getting fresh air was out the window. He was still standing there creepily. All I could think was Ashley what are you doing close the door, close the door, close the door. 

I gulped, "Alright mister, uh- I'm gonna close the door now." Phew I thought to myself as I started closing the door, that was close. As the door was an inch from closing it stopped. 

I finally heard a voice from the other side of the door. 

"I need you!", the voice was so familiar chills ran down my spine. 

"Im sorry I don't know you!" I said as I tried to push the door close. Why did your stupid have to open the door in the first place ASH! Now some weirdo is trying to break in, what are you going to do if he manages to come in!? Ash what have you gotten yourself into,I thought pushing as hard as I good. It was no good though, the door wouldn't close, it wouldn't budge it was at the same place as it was before not a cm closer to closing. But I wasn't going to let him in as ling as I had the power not too.

"Leave me alone!!! Who are you!!!" I yelled as I continued to push.

"Ashley don't be like this, be a good girl and let me in will ya?" he said unfazed, was it taking no effort for him to keep the door wedged like that? Cause I could only hold it for so long.

I wasn't going to have a conversation with this weirdo, no way, but why was he so strong. Was I going to die today? No Ashhh you haven't even had your first kiss!!! Well technically you have but does that one really count? Oh no, I don't want to die like this. I wasn't going to let up easy, no way, my life was on the line. Just then I felt a sudden thrust to the door and I fell backwards.

Oh shit ASH what are you going to do I thought to myself as he opened the door and let himself in.


Max's POV

What was I doing here so late at night? Why was I sitting in my car around 2 am in front of her cheap motel/hotel or whatever this was. Why? I cant answer this question myself all I know is I am here, Ive been here for 10 minutes doing nothing but wondering. Alright Max your starting to lose your mind, and over who? Her? She's not even worth the dirt she steps on, thats it I'm leaving. I turned the ignition on and put my car in reverse. As I started backing up I saw something in my rearview mirror. It was a girl running down the stairs of the motel, she was running as fast as she could, and finally as she reached the ground I realized it was her.  My eyes widened as I instinctively turned the car off and opened the door without thinking. 


Sorry Guyz its been so long I've just been so busy with school and all. Don't worry more longer chapters will be coming soon :) Thanks for reading ;)

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