CH 3

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As we entered the village, music and the hum of many voices overlapping greeted us. Geoff handed each of us a small pile of copper coins before telling us to be careful and going over to where several traveling merchants have set up shop in the center of the village.

"Shall we go see the baker boy?" Liam said, I nodded and scooted closer to my horse's shoulders so Liam can sit behind me in the saddle; the crowd was actually fairly thick this close to the village center so it would be easier if he just rode with me.

When we got to the bakery we dismounted and tied up my horse. Harry was inside with his father kneading dough; he glanced at us and smiled before turning to his dad "Father, can I go to the faire now? These are the friends I was telling you about" Harry said as he started using a rolling pin to flatten the dough. Harry's father looked at us "Sure son, have fun" Harry smiled widely, showing his dimples as he took off his apron and wiped the flour from his face.

"So you know the lion that on your father's sword?" I said to Harry as we found a quiet spot at the edge of the village. He nodded and I reached into my pocket to pull out my parent's ring, Harry studied the ring before nodding "It's the same lion". Harry started shooting ideas but Liam and I have already thought of them; he was fond of Liam's master thieves' theory though.

Our conversation was cut short though as Mr Comb, one of Geoff's friends, walked up to us "Boys, the games are about the begin! Come on!" "I'm not in the mood for sports" I said as Harry casually folded his hands behind his back to hide the ring. "Ah cmon it's the faire! It only happens once a month" Mr Comb persisted.

As we followed Mr Comb back to the middle of the village, Harry sneakily snuck the ring back into my pocket; or it would have been sneakily if I didn't yelp from Harry's hand brushing against my upper thigh. "Sorry, I umm... I just saw a spider" I said as my cheeks turned hot under the stares of Mr Comb and Liam. Harry gave a cheeky smile as I shot him a look, but instead of getting the hint; he brushed my hand with his as we started walking again. Harry walked closer to me so every time our arms moved as we walked, our hands would touch.

We arrived at the village center just as the wrestling completion was about to begin "Are you going to join, Liam?" I asked, ignoring how close Harry was standing to me. I couldn't wrestle, my body was too lean and slender; Liam however with his broader shoulders and more muscle mass was a great wrestler.

Liam nodded "Sure, I'll go put my name down". As Liam walked away the first match started, two shirtless guys, Jack and David, began rolling around the in the dirt. A couple of moments into the match I felt someone staring at me and I looked over to my left, away from the match and Harry.

A person stood leaning against one of merchant's wagon, that wasn't what caught my eye though, it was the fact that it was a woman; a woman that had a sword on her hip and a shield on her back.

She was very beautiful with long brown hair, a pretty face and wearing leather armor. She must have been one of the merchant guards, her stare was intense though and made me uncomfortable; it wasn't a flirty stare, it was more like she was sizing me up, judging me, silently criticizing everything I was doing.

I ignored her as the match ended and Liam went into the circle, shirtless, going up against the winner of the last match. Wrestling didn't last though as only the biggest men and boys even attempted; Liam got second place and won a chicken, which he gave to his dad. Prizes never involved any money, usually revolving around giving away small animals, mainly chickens; you didn't win for the prizes though, you won for bragging rights.

After the wrestling was finished everyone dispersed back to the merchant wagons or to talk with friends as several men cleared the area and started setting up for the next event. Liam came over, breathing hard "I really dislike Jack; he's a blacksmith apprentice! A bull of a man! How was I supposed to compete with that?" he whined. I chuckled "Maybe you'll regain your honor in archery, it's the next event" I said as Liam put his shirt back on.

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