CH 33

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"The white cliffs of Dover are beautiful" Harry said, breaking the silence as we sat on a hill, looking at our homeland from the Frankish shore. Harry sat against a tree trunk while I laid on the grass and rested my head in his lap as Liam was pacing around us, tracing the hilt of his sword with a finger and looking around anxiously to make sure we three were alone.

The cliffs were barely visible, but they were visible, tauntingly close. It was late April, almost May and we were finally able to go home, almost. Further down the shore lay the coastal city of Calais, the Frankish city where our forces would invade Britannia from.

Hundreds of ships dotted the sea around the city as they prepared to transport the over the sixty thousand soldiers across the English channel. Prince Charles already left to Ireland with Prince Niall and from what we hear, was already sieging the city of Dublin. Maria and her brothers stayed behind in Rome and could come when it was safe, for her safety and that of our unborn child.

Maria was, thankfully, in the first stages of pregnancy and according to her letter was already growing a belly. She swore to the Saints that it was a boy and according to the doctors, the baby would be born around September.

"Where is he? Are you sure this isn't a trap?" Liam said, pulling me out from my thoughts, still looking around us as if the birds would suddenly transform into assassins. "I trust him, he's probably just running late" I said, not the least bit concerned. Liam unsheathed his sword and held it in front of him as we hood distant horse hooves galloping towards us. Looking over I saw that mop of red hair and I sat up, watching as Eirk approached us with two others.

"I was worried you were dead" he said as he dismounted "the last I heard from you was when I helped you escaped from my brother." "I wasn't sure how to contact you since we couldn't go the usual route, so I didn't try for fear of interception" I said. Erik nodded "I understand, I was just worried that I would be stuck with my brother forever."

Getting to the point I said "So can you get us into the castle?" Erik nodded "But I can only take a small handful and it has to be tonight, my brother's spy ships already saw your army so it'll be easy to sneak you in with all the chaos going on as he prepares to fight." "Tonight? But the army won't invade until next week at the earliest, they're not ready!" Harry pointed out.

"What about Doncaster and my own armies? Their not far from London but they don't have the manpower or war machines to siege the city last we heard" I said. "And what? Assassinate the false King, open the gates and just allow the Doncaster army to just walk inside London?" Liam snorted.

"It's what happened when my brother invaded" Erik said with a lopsided grin "He had spies inside the city, who went at night and opened the gates before our armies entered the city while our own slept...we'll use my brother's their tactics against him." Harry looked over to the cliffs "We should get ready then". "How many can you take with you?" I asked Erik. "Two, including you and another" he said. I counted on my fingers "Is there anyway you can change that to four?" I asked.

Erik got a thoughtful before he motioned over to the two guards that were his escort. Suddenly, without warning, he pulled out a long dagger and sliced open both of their throats, as his men laid dying he look back at me "I can take four back with me". "Why did you just do that?" Liam asked, horrified. " I want to see my brother dead, for the good of my kingdom. I'll sacrifice more than just two guardsmen if it meant that Norway will be kept out of his incompetent hands" Erik said without remorse.

We went back to Calais and wrote a letter to the Commanders of the holy army explaining the situation, not telling them face to face for fear that they wouldn't let me go. London would be the toughest nut to crack so if we can take the city without a struggle, the, rest of the campaign would go far smoother. Plus Erik said that he would order a full scale retreat from Britannia since the crown would fall on him after his brother passed; so we might be able to avoid a war all together.

Harry, Liam, Eleanor and I walked back with Erik that evening to a small sailing boat and crossed the channel with Erik. We were on our own now. Erik handed us uniforms that his guard wore, but these included helmets that covered the entire face so we would stay hidden.

Eleanor wore a chestplate that was two sizes too large for her so her breasts weren't visible, like most nations, Norway didn't allow women within their guard or armies; her hair was also carefully wrapped up in a bun under her helmet with an efficiency that spoke of her doing this several times before.

We entered the city of London without any fuss or difficulty, hidden under the cloak of chaos as the city prepared for a siege; our small boat slipped passed the large, numerous warships that guarded the mouth of the river Thames so a navy wasn't able to enter London easily by sea.

"Let's go" Erik said as we disembarked from the boat. The city was busy, bustling and there was a palpable feeling of fear in the air. "The city is a lot more empty than I remember" Eleanor commented and we walked through the crowds. "A lot of people are in prison for treason" Erik said "It's so crowded that it's five to a cell instead of the usual one". "Is that the castle?" Harry asked as we turned a corner and a large building came into view. "Yes and tonight someone will be killed inside. I just hope it's my brother."

I turned to Harry "Good luck, be safe." Harry smiled at me "I always am" he said before he slipped into the crowd to escape the city and get in contact with the forces from Doncaster.

Culpepper's POV

I reread the letter from the Prince for the fourth time as chaos engulfed Calais as the army searched over houses and the surrounding countryside for the Prince; hoping to catch him before he went on this fool's quest. That wasn't what I was upset about though, I was upset about what was on the bottom of the letter.

"I, High Prince Louis William Tomlinson, heir to the High Lion Throne of Britannia including within her domain the kingdoms of Wales, Scotland, Ireland and England do declare that in the unfortunate situation of my passing, Harry Edward Styles shall be named High King."

My plans had to change.


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