CH 17

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Harry's POV

Peter somehow got Louis to warm up to him in the three days since he's been at the castle; I couldn't blame Louis, Louis didn't even know I was flirting with him at the village so there was no way he'd know what Peter was doing.

Peter was subtle as well: a touch on the shoulder, a slightly harder than normal laugh at Louis's jokes, and just an air of helplessness that cleverly forced Louis to constantly be around him to help. The one time I asked Louis about Peter, Louis said he really liked him, saying that Peter was the first person that actually wanted to get to know Louis Tomlinson and not Prince Louis.

As I was walking back to Louis's and I room though the garden to get freshened up after training with Eleanor for most of the morning, I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw Louis and Peter having a picnic together, alone. Peter was whispering something into Louis's ear which made him giggle, to see another guy's lips that close to Louis's skin just filled me with rage.

"Hi Louis" I said, jogging closer to them, Peter instantly gave me a death glare which I returned with a grin; Louis was obvlious of course. "Hey Harry, all done with training?" Louis asked "You want some lunch?" "Louis I only packed enough food for two people, sorry" Peter said. "I don't mind sharing" Louis said. I sat right between Peter and Louis, forcing both of them to move over "That was kinda rude Harry" Louis said. "Sorry, I just miss you a lot" I said as I kissed his cheek.

Louis hissed as he looked around "Not in public Harry, you know that". "Sorry, Sorry" I said, not really sorry at all, Louis was mine and this guy needed to know that "I'm just feeling a little, excited" I whispered loud enough that Peter could hear me, opening my knees just a little bit. Louis just stared at me "Harry what's wrong with you?"

Peter stood up " you two are busy so...I'll just be on my way". "We'll talk about this later" Louis said angrily before he stood up and walked away with Peter. As they walked away, Peter glanced over his shoulder and gave me a wink. I scoffed and sat alone on the blanket before eating the rest of the food they brought, thinking of a plan.

As I walked back to the room I looked out the window to Louis mounting a horse with Peter and several other people, it looked like they were going hunting based the dogs and bows they had. "Harry? You didn't go hunting with Louis?" Liam asked me as he walked out of Culpepper's office and saw me staring out the windows.

"I wasn't invited" I said shortly. I loved Louis, I trusted him; I knew Louis wouldn't do anything with Peter, what made me angry was that Peter was just using Louis.

"What? Yes you were, I wrote the invitations myself and there was one for you; I gave them to the guy from Cornwall to deliver" Liam said, which made me laugh; this guy was clever I'll give him that. "Umm...well...I just got to deliver this letter and then I'm done for the day, you want to grab something to eat?" Liam offered. I nodded "Sure alright". I walked with Liam though the city of Doncaster, the city was a lot more crowded as people flocked here in support of Louis and to live under the rule of the true king, well prince.

Makeshift houses were starting to be built outside of Doncaster's walls as the city overflowed but people still needed a place to live. Eleanor and the city guard have done a great job at keeping the peace and keeping everything orderly, the people did a lot though also. Crime in city was actually very low since people came here to live here to be close to Louis and respected each other.

Liam gave the letter to an innkeeper, who was actually a Shadow that Liam and I trained with, before putting some coins on the counter "Two lunches please" he said before he and I went to sit at a table. "So how are things with Niall?" I asked with a smirk. Liam immediately turned red "I don't know what you're talking about". "Have you guys kissed yet?" I asked in a whisper, leaning forward since I knew that gay topics weren't discussed at all in public.

Liam turned even more red "No" he finally said. I chuckled "What are you waiting for an invitation? The first time I kissed Lo-" I caught myself before looking around, saying Louis's name would definitely make heads turn, no matter how quiet we were "The first time we kissed I had to like steal it, just saying". "How is your Shadow training going?" Liam asked, desperately trying to change the subject.

We were interrupted though by a couple of guys walking to our table, we both looked at them and all of them seemed to be glaring at me; they were dressed in better clothes than most of the people around us and looked slightly out of place. "May I help you?" I finally said. "Green eyes, this is him" one of the guys said and the others nodded. "Leave the Prince alone" another demanded. "What?" I asked.

One of the guys pulled out a small pamphlet from his coat "We know what you're doing; we've known since yesterday". I picked up the pamphlet "The Green-eyed Devil". Opening it up, the message of the pamphlet was basically that I was trying to seduce Louis and lead him astray from the path of righteousness and virtue; the pamphlet hinted at me using witchcraft and used my green eyes as proof since most people have never seen green eyes in person and green eyes were usually found on cats, which were witch's animals.

I almost laughed outloud when I read who the author was: Peter Winchester of Cornwall. "Mister, I personally saw you and your friend here arrive with the exiled prince when you first arrived at Doncaster and I'm begging you, please released the Prince; he is the last hope for any form of justice of Britannia" one of the guys said; I suspected that the only reason I wasn't getting stabbed or attacked right now was because these guys feared my "witchcraft". "Alright, fine" I said before standing up, as I did they guys all took a step back out of fear and I stomped out of the inn.

"What was that all about?" Liam asked, follow me out. "He's trying to run me out of town, but if he thinks that he's won then he has no idea who Harry Styles is" I said half to myself and half to Liam.

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