CH 5

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AN: Hey all this is a super long chapter since I want to get all the "boring" stuff out of the way. 

Sorry about the length of the chapter but personally I would rather have one long chapter of fluff rather than three or four fluffy chapters in a row...I wouldn't even call it a fluffy chapter more of an explanation...I guess?...I don't know, but I need a bridge between the destruction of Wellingtonshire and the arrival of our three musketeers at Doncaster.  Let me know if you prefer these longer chapters or if you you would rather me do like double/triple updates in situations like this. I'm always open to ideas.

All the love,



The ride to Wolverhampton was nearly completely silent. None of us felt like talking much, even Harry's good nature was muted following the destruction of the village and the assumed death of everyone inside, including his parents.

Harry and I reassured each other at night by sleeping together, not having sinful activities, simply by sleeping in each other's arms, the closeness and the warmth we shared spoke to us when words failed and it was our only source of comfort; Eleanor tried to reassure us that if any survivors we alive, they would also make their way to Doncaster as well.

Even during the long hours we spent traveling together, she was more tight tipped than Karen and Geoff were, only saying that all would be explained in Doncaster; she would not tell us why she was protecting or traveling with us so we had to rely that Geoff and Karen knew what they were doing.

On sunset on the eleventh day we arrived at Wolverhampton, our slow progress caused by Eleanor's refusal to take the roads, only traveling through the woods and wilds. We gasped and gaped at the busy town and the large wooden wall that surrounded the town which made the village's walls look like a pile of sticks.

People streamed past us as we joined the crowd trying to enter the city, ignoring us and going about their day; it was strange to see people walk right past each other with only a glance. I stiffened as we went past the city guards, the blue wolf shown proudly on their chest plates, but we weren't stopped and went right passed them along with the crowd entering the city.

We rode past merchants shouting the goods they had for sale at the top of their lungs, the snorts and bays of many horses and oxen created a low rumble and the crack of whips from wagon drivers snapped sharply in the air. "It's so loud, is it time for the faire?" Harry asked as Eleanor lead us down down the busy streets, before Eleanor could answer Liam said "This is a grand village!". "No it's not Harry and if you think this is a grand village, Liam, Doncaster and London will blow you away" Eleanor said.

"Will we stay here long?" I asked "No, only to get proper horses instead of these farm nags and to resupply; we stay only the night" Eleanor answered. "I'll be happy to see a bed again" I said, stretching in my saddle. Eleanor led us to an inn and after a short conversation with the innkeeper, we were given a room with two beds.

"Umm...I think we're missing a couple of beds" Liam said as we entered the room. "I'll sleep on the floor, in front of the door; Louis and Harry will take that bed and you shall take the other" Eleanor said putting down the bags she was carrying on the floor followed by Harry who carried the rest. "I'm going to buy more supplies, do not leave this inn whatever you do; I'll be back soon" she handed the three of us a dagger before saying "Be safe, trust no one except yourselves.".

As Eleanor left I sat on the bed as Harry sighed and tried to stretch his legs and thighs before saying under his breath "I have places that are sore that I didn't know existed; is this what having sex would be like?" he asked himself as he rubbed his rear. I pretended not to hear him as Liam said "Well I'm hungry shall we go down and sup?" "I could use some fresh food, I'l go mad if I have to eat salted meat and hard biscuits again" I said standing up.

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