CH 27

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Rome, the birthplace of civilization; home of the empire that created Europa as it still stands today. The Roman Empire might have long since broken apart into the petty nations that squabble amongst each other today but the old saying of "He who sits in Rome, rules the world" is still true; however instead of referring to the Roman Emperors, it now refers to the Pope.

Riding down the grand streets of Rome, it was easy why the city was widely accepted as the most beautiful and the most grand in all the world. Roman architecture still stood tall and proud amongst the new buildings as if the Romans themselves were watching over their city from beyond the grave. Monuments and fountains stood within most intersections of the city streets and the grand temples that the Romans dedicated to their false gods now stood as churches and cathedrals. The city was nosiey with the hum of commerce, trade and music; the city itself was very crowded. When we tried to enter the second set of walls that separated the Vatican from Rome itself, there was an issue.

"She can't enter" a Templar said when he saw Eleanor in the carriage with us "By Papal law, no woman can enter the holy city". "What why?" I protested, I needed Eleanor; she was the one that always broke up the arguments between Culpepper and Edward as well as her advice was invaluable. "Women are distractions and in the holy city reverence to God comes first, there can be no distractions" The Templar said. "I'll snoop around Rome, see what I can find" she said as she got off of the carriage and we finally allowed to enter the Vatican city.

The holy Vatican city was clean, quiet and beautiful. Only the top ranking members of the Church could live within the Vatican city and the city itself reflected that. The streets were lined on each side with flowering bushes and it was very clean. Templars stood guard throughout the city as servants and staff were scurrying carefully around around the slower moving, regal clerics.

Half of the city was taken up a park and it created a very nice peaceful atmosphere compared to the chaos of Rome. Cardinal George smiled as he saw that I sat there in awe, completely speechless. "More grand than any palace or castle" I heard Edward whisper as St Peter's Basilica came into view, the seat of the Pope.

We followed Cardinal George and our escort of Templars to through the magnificent building of the basilica, it was beautiful; the ceilings were painted with biblical scenes and the hallways were full of stained glass windows. A Templar stood outside of most of the closed doors and we were carefully led through the church...cathedral...palace, whatever you would call this place until we came to a set of double doors and a Templar slipped inside. We stood there for a moment until the double doors opened again, flung wide this time and a sea of colors greeted us.

"Every nation must be represented here...there is Poland, Hungary, Saxony, Germania, Austria and so many others" Culpepper said to himself looking at all the different colors that everyone wore; the large room was crowded to the walls with men all wearing different colors and my ears buzzed with many, many different languages. At the far end of the room a man in white stood up and immediately the entire room fell into a dead silence.

"Welcome Prince Louis of Britannia" the man, the Pope, said in Latin. I've been getting lessons in Latin since Doncaster because Latin was the universal language; it was actually surprising that the Iberians knew English as well as they did. With so many different languages in Europa, Latin was the only language that could travel across borders. Harry and Liam later both got lessons as well so they could fulfill their duties.

I walked down the middle aisle with my companions following behind me and when I came to the bottom of the steps I knelt down on one knee, the Pope was the only person I would ever bend my knee too; my companions got on both knees and pressed their foreheads to the floor since they weren't royalty. "Thank you for accepting me into your house Father, and into the house of God" I said in the best Latin I could.

"I heard you have a problem with pagans in your home country; do not worry my son, I shall help you" Pope Justinius said "In Matthew 11:28 it says "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" so go rest my child and after the evening sermon we shall discuss your pagan problem" in a louder voice he said "The Holy Bible preaches peace but there can be no peace with pagans, men of iron and stone and lies. They reject the true God and worship their false idols, there can be no peace with pagans, there can be only war".

The room erupted in applause and I smiled at the ground for what I heard was "You're going home soon".

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