CH 12

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I laid in a jail cell, staring at the stone ceiling; apparently claiming to be the Prince of Britannia to the city guard and trying to get into your own castle was grounds for arrest due to impersonation and trespassing. Ironically, I would have to wait until the "actual" Prince of Britannia came to judge and punish me for impersonating him; I could have laughed at the absurdity of the entire situation but I didn't want the guards to think I was "crazier" than they already thought I was.  Plus I was terrified that someone would find my gardener's body and link it to me. 

I wasn't in here for long, maybe two hours until the door opened; Harry and Eleanor walked down the rows of cells until they arrived at mine. As a guard opened the cell door Harry ran inside and crushed me in a hug "Louis we were so worried! When we couldn't find you or Frederick we assumed the worst" he said into my shoulder. "Culpepper is tearing down the stones of the castle with his bare hands looking for you" Eleanor added before turning to the guard and explaining everything, as a Shadow she's worked with the city guard before.  

"I'm so sorry; the men who arrested you will be stripped of rank and punished severely" the guard captain said as Harry, Eleanor and I gathered all my things again. "Don't be, Captain" I said as put on my shoes again after putting on the my shirt "You are merely doing your duty and I shall sleep well from now on knowing that you and your men take your jobs very seriously". The guard captain stood straighter under my praise "We take the security of all of Doncaster's citizens very seriously, yours especially Majesty".

As we walked down the streets toward the castle Eleanor looked at me "That was very noble, not many people would be so kind after being arrested". "They were simply doing their job" I shrugged. "Louis has always been amazing" Harry gushed to Eleanor "One time he helped a dog that was stuck under some wagon wheels even though it kept trying to bite him".

As we walked up the lawn to the castle I was surprised to see it completely empty "Where are all the carriages? Did all my guests leave?" Eleanor nodded "Culpepper made everyone leave, so he can check if any of the guests were missing with you and Frederick. Where is he anyway? Most people assumed that he assassinated you since it's no secret that he came from Norway to find work, but you seem completely unharmed".

I sighed and told them everything; afterward Eleanor nodded "Well it's a shame he's dead...I wouldn't tell Culpepper about this". I looked at her "Why?" She looked around to make sure no one was listening "You are the Prince of Britannia, the most powerful person on these islands; you shouldn't depend completely on another...power corrupts, Louis, and you have to make sure that those under you serve you and not themselves".

I looked at Harry before looking back at her "Are saying I shouldn't trust Culpepper, Eleanor?" "I'm just saying that the only person you can really fully trust is yourself; everyone has an agenda, especially when power or money are involved" she said. I nodded "I understand, thank you Eleanor" I said.

At that moment Culpepper ran to me, sweating and breathing heavily "Thank God you're alive!" he exclaimed "Where is Frederick?" I looked at Eleanor before saying "He's dead, we went for a drink at a tavern and an assassin jumped out at us, he died a hero" I said, taking Eleanor's advice but still needing a way to explain why he died. Culpepper looked at me "Really? I thought...well nevermind. I'm very glad you're safe Majesty, you should get some rest, today has been an exciting day for you.

As Harry, Eleanor and I made our way back to my room, Harry said "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you; I'm a failure not just as a Shadow but as your friend also". Eleanor slowed down, seeming to admire the city at night but I knew she was giving us room to talk; she was a great person.

"Harry you didn't fail anything" I said as I put an arm around his waist "I really shouldn't have just walked out like that". Harry looked down at my arm before smiling at me and giving his hips a little shake "Thanks Louis you always know what to say to make me feel better" I smiled and brought my hand a little lower so it rested on the small of his back just above his bum.

"Harry" Eleanor said behind us "There is a way that you can be near Louis, even if you are in training with the Shadows: become my apprentice. You'll leave the formal training with Simon and study under me instead, however just because I'm doing you a favor doesn't mean I'll go easy on you. How you do reflects on both of us-". "I'll do it" Harry nodded eagerly. Eleanor crossed her arms, seeming to not like being interrupted but she ended up nodding "Very well, say your goodbyes to Louis one last time".

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