CH 28

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I sat in a bathtub in the apartments inside the Vatican city that we were given by the Pope, in my small-pants so I wouldn't be naked, as I listened to Cardinal George and how happy he was that I was seeking the Church's help. I was finally able to look at Cardinal George since before I was distracted by Rome and the holy city; Cardinal George was an older gentleman around fifty with a full head of white hair, blue eyes and a clean shaven face. He had a proud regal posture and carried himself with a lot of pride; like all the other Cardinals he wore bright red robes and a red cap on the back of his head.

I listened as he was saying "Now remember honorable Prince, there is a lot in common between the Church and the Monarchies of Europa; the College of Cardinals are like nobles while the Pope is the King". "That wasn't a mistake" Culpepper said under his breath, whether Cardinal George didn't hear him or just ignored him was unclear but he went on to say "The only difference, Prince, is that the Cardinals are far more united than any royal court could ever be since we serve the Church and God rather than our ourselves or our families".

"Cardinal George if-" Culpepper started to say "Now see here!" Cardinal George said with a sudden fury that made me nearly flinch in the tub, he glared at Culpepper with righteous indignation as he said "You may address me as Cardinal Wheeler and nothing else, I expect you to give me the proper respect I deserve, Maxwell Culpepper". "Your Grace you named yourself as Cardinal George I was just-" Culpepper started saying but was cut off again "I introduced myself thusly to the Prince, not to a lowly secretary who has neither noble birth nor lofty station" the Cardinal raged.

"Culpepper can you please find me some parchment and an inkwell, I wish to write a letter" I said, trying to diffuse the situation. Culpepper nodded and walked out of my room; Edward pretended to be fascinated by a tapestry that hung on the wall and refused to look at anyone.

The Cardinal looked back at me but with a smile "There is one piece of bad news Highness, I do not think that your aid will come until after the new year". "The new year?" Cardinal it's not even December yet! We still have a week before December starts!" "But December is the holiest of months because it's Jesus's birthday; we cannot ask our warriors to fight in December".

Wait so I'd have to spend over a month without my Harry?

I accepted the cloth that the Cardinal offered me to dry myself off of as Liam walked into the room with the largest smile on his face "Prince Louis may I present Prince Niall of Ireland". Niall walked in and smiled as he saw me "It's been awhile, Louis". "Niall? What are you doing here?" I asked, astounded.

Niall sighed "The situation in Ireland has collapsed into civil war, somehow the Taoiseach found out that my brother wanted to give Ireland back to you so they tried to have him assassinated. Five of the Taoiseach however, in the northern part of the nation, supported my brother and now they stand against the others; my brother had me leave the country for my safety and I ended up here since I had nowhere else to go and I didn't know where you went". "The Holy City offers sanctuary for many, including exiled Monarchs and Princes like yourselves" Cardinal George said.

"I'm glad you're here with us" I said "Do you have companions? We have extra rooms and we'd be delighted if you stayed with us." Niall shook his head "I came alone since my brother didn't trust anyone". "I can arrange everything, young Prince Louis so that Prince Niall could stay with you" Cardinal George said. "Please do" I said as Culpepper came back with an armful of parchment and an inkwell, noticing that Liam was trying his best to hide his smile.

I wrote a letter to Harry telling him everything that happened, leaving out the part where I might not be able to see him for a month or more as Liam, Culpepper and Edward helped Niall settle into one of the spare rooms we had. Edward and Niall got acquainted and quickly started building a friendship once it became clear that neither was interested in a rivalry with the other; Niall was telling of his journey from Dublin to Rome as we heard a knock at the door. "Prince Louis, Prince Charles of the kingdom of Champagne wishes to speak to you" the Templar said.

"The kingdom of where?" I asked looking up from my letter, unfamiliar with the name. "Champagne is one of the five disunited kingdoms inside of Francia" Culpepper said at the exact same time that Cardinal George said "One of the Frankish kingdoms".

"Culpepper please tell me more" I said. Culpepper nodded and shot a smug look at the Cardinal before saying "Francia is divided into five separate kingdoms: Champagne which controls the east and holds the city of Paris, Orleans which controls the heartland, Aquitaine which controls the south and part of the western coast, Brittany that holds onto the horn, peninsula, on the western coast of Francia and Normandy which controls the northern coast and lies across the channel from England. All five claim to be Francia but Francia itself hasn't existed in four centuries". I nodded "So what would a Frankish Prince want with me?" i said before nodding to the Templar who stepped back outside.

A few moments later a man younger than I stepped inside wearing blue and an off white. "Prince Louis" he said in latin before bowing his head. "Prince Charles" I nodded back. "I come today to ask for your help...after I offer some help of my own" Charles said. I waited as he searched for the words to voice his thoughts, seemingly as comfortable with Latin as I was.

"I know that your Irish friend was exiled from his land, I offer to send and personally leads my Frankish armies to take back Ireland in your name" Charles said "And in return, when your nation is once again whole, I want you to return the favor and help me and my mother, Queen Anne, reform Francia". I blinked, that offer that perhaps the most fair I've ever heard "I'll consider your offer" I said and he bowed and left.

"That was interesting" I commented to my companions. Culpepper answered thoughtfully "Champagne is the second smallest of the five kingdoms after Brittany, perhaps they are the weakest; Brittany is the most defensible since they only have one side that is connected to land but Champange doesn't have that advantage". "Should we consider this offer?" I asked. "It seems fair" Edward said "And you could postpone the aid since he said 'when your nation is whole' and that's ended".

After dinner, as we were getting ready to go to the evening sermon conducted by the Pope himself; Culpepper and Edward were helping me get dressed "Gentleman I need a way to bring Harry here" I said softly to them. "You can't, you can't move a lady from her house until you plan on marrying her" Edward said "It's highly indecent and disrespectful, especially to a princess".

"What if we get married here in Rome then? The Pope is a priest right? He can conduct the marriage?" I said, thinking out loud. Culpepper paused "That could work, by the time she comes and everything is prepared it'll be around Christmas time...the Church and Pope would love you for doing this; there hasn't been a royal marriage done by the Pope for many years". I thought about for a moment before saying "Please send in the Cardinal then".

"Cardinal, I'm engaged to the Princess of Iberia, would the Holy Father be interested in holding our wedding here?" I asked as Cardinal George entered my room. "He would be ecstatic! This would be his first royal marriage!" The Cardinal answered enthusiastically.

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