Chapter Seventeen

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I walk back to my room, playing with the bracelet on my hand.

Thank god Myles had this, I think. I don't know what I'd do without it.

I look out my bedroom window, which faces the front yard and pull out my phone to text Myles.

"You're good" and I walk back to the kitchen to help my dad and Jax unload groceries and make sure they stay there.

Later that night, I decided I should text Jordyn.

"You still up for that lunch/dinner?"

I expected her to not reply, but seconds later she did, saying "idk, u up for telling the truth?"

I pulled my phone back, threw my head back and rolled my eyes. I'm honestly not even lying to her, sure I hung out with Myles, but all I ever told her was I wasn't home last night and that we didn't do anything. Which we didn't.

"Sure." I shortly reply. She's gonna find out sooner or later. Plus, this isn't worth losing my friend.

"Be there in 10"

Jordyn pulled up and I got in her car and we headed out to In N Out.

Once we sat down with our food, she had to point out.

"So who brought you your bracelet?"

I let out a breathe, which by the look of her face I could tell she took the wrong way.

"Remember a few nights ago when I asked you how Myles got my number?" I started.

"Yeah.." Jordyn says, looking at me confused.

"Well, he came and picked me up, against my will let me say, and we went to a park and, uh," -yeah, she didn't need to know that part- "just started talking. Then it got pretty late. I had told my dad I was at your house, so I couldn't go home, so I stayed at his house. No, we did not do anything that night, before you even ask." I could see a smirk start to appear on her face, so I had to let that out. "The next morning I went to take a shower and I left my bracelet on his counter. so he had it. And he brought it to me."

Jordyn just stares at me, wide-eyed and with her mouth hanging open as if she couldn't believe a word I just said.

"I don't believe a word you just said."


"Why not?"

"Hailey, no offense, but you've only ever had one boyfriend, and I don't think he could even count as a boyfriend, just a sixth grade, one day of holding hands fling, I'm just cutting you the benefit of the doubt here."

"I didn't say he was my boyfriend! We just engaged in some friendly conversation." and kissing in front of a little league team, but she doesn't need to know this.

"HA! Yeah, right." she laughed, causing me to furrow my eyebrows at her.

"I don't appreciate they way you're treating me. A guy who practically kidnapped forces me to go to a park at night with him and you laugh? You wonder why I didn't want to tell you in the first place."

"Okay, first off, he didn't kidnap you if you agreed to go with him" She says putting the 'kidnap' part in air quotes. "Second of all, I'm not even treating you in any way. If I was, I'd be treating you that way about it because I helped you so hard in trying to avoid him. And now you just decide to spend the night at his house. God knows what could've, or did, happened."

I was just getting irritated now.

"He's not that bad Jordyn. He just has a past that a lot of people can't understand, and that's changed him."

"Oh so now you're defending him?" she asked, rolling her eyes. "Alright well I'm done here and I, unlike you, care about you so I'm not just gonna leave you here. I'll be in the car. Come out when you're done."

I couldn't say anything. My mouth just hung open.

After sitting there for a minute, I wiped a year that was starting to form in my left eye and got up and got into Jordyn's car.

Not a word was said the whole way to my house. I opened the car door, stepped out, closed it, and started to wave but Jordyn took off before I even had my arm raised enough for her to see it.

I watched her car drive down the street and when it was out of sight, wiped the tears that were falling and tried to sneak in back to my room without anyone seeing me.

I'm sorry this update took so long again. Life keeps getting in the way. But okay I know I've said this before but I'm really gonna try and be steady with the updates. I also am thinking of making this, even tho it's originally a KAM fanfic page, more for me and all I do. So itd include a Justin Bieber fanfic also and just a few stories I've been working on.
Anyways, thanks for reading and putting up with my excessive absences. Hope you guys enjoy and remember to follow me on Twitter @KAMFIC


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2015 ⏰

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