Chapter Seven

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It was almost midnight, and the club was about to close. To avoid missing the rush of sweaty smelling 15-18 year olds, Alex, Jordyn and myself left a few minutes early.

"Wait, I need to go to the bathroom first." Alex stopped us right before we walked out.

We all walked in a line to the complete opposite side of the building.

While Alex was in the bathroom, Jordyn and I stood at the mirrors, fixing our hair and makeup.

"Lucky you avoided Kalin and Myles all night." Jordyn started.

"Yea, but while we were dancing, this familiar looking guy kept looking at me and I really hope he didn't have anything to do with them."

"Wait was he dark haired, kinda short, really cute?" Alex asked walking out of the stall.

"Um... I guess?"

"I kept seeing him too. That's Tyler."

"Tyler?" I questioned.

"He's," Alex got close to me and Jordyn and whispered thru the side of her mouth "part of their gang."

"GODDAMMIT." I yelled out.

"He hasn't seen you since the party, maybe he doesn't remember you, calm down." Jordyn tried to comfort me.

"Let's just leave." I led out the bathroom door.

We walked out the door and headed to Jordyn's car, with no sight of the KAM gang.

After sitting down and putting my seatbelt on, I threw my head back and let out a sigh of relief, glad I had made it through the night.

"Are you both coming over tonight?" Jordyn asked Alex and I as she backed the car out of the parking lot and onto the street.

"No. We're leaving early in the morning to go to my uncles. Could you drop me off at my house?" I asked her.

"Yes ma'am." She replied.


We pulled off the freeway and took a right then into my neighborhood. I noticed Jordyn kept looking in her rear view mirror with a strange look on her face.

"Is something wrong?" I asked her, pulling myself up from the seat to turn around and look at the car behind us.

"This car has just been following us the whole time. I'm probably thinking of it too much, it's just weird they're going from the club in to the same neighborhood." She answered.

"Well," I shook it off "this is a huge neighborhood, so."

We finally pulled up to my house. With no sign of the other car the last few blocks.

"I'll see you later." I said to Jordyn as I waved goodbye to Alex.

Her car took off and I dug around in my purse for my keys.

"What the hell?!" I yelled out I loud. I knew I put them in there. Dad and Jax were for sure asleep by now. Theres a spare set in the side if the house, I'll go get that.

I heard a car screech by, with the music blasting and shook my head. it was almost one in the morning. Seriously?

We lived on the corner of the street, so I walked to the side of the house with the street to go to the lockbox. It was underneath an obviously fake rock, since there was nothing but dirt in the rest of the yard, so I bent down to grab it.

Shit...what was the password? I wondered to myself as I tapped my pointer finger to my chin.

I heard a car pull up and stop on the street.

I still questioned the pass code. I tried one more time, when all of a sudden I felt to big hands grab my shoulders, lift me up, and spin me around.

My eyes grew wide and I opened my mouth to scream, but it was covered.

"Shut up, you're going to wake people up."

His hand was still over my mouth, as he dragged me into the car.

I couldn't even comprehend what was going on. I sat down in the middle back seat surrounded by Kalin on my left, Myles on my right, Tyler in the drivers seat, and Jake in the passengers seat.

He took his hand off my mouth after the door was closed.

"Okay now you can scream."

"What the fuck is going on?!" I yelled out.

"I figured this would be the only way I could talk to, since you like too change your number and avoid me."

"How did you even find me?!" I questioned.

Kalin let out a little chuckle and Tyler looked back.

"That was all me." Tyler smiled. "Saw you on the dance floor, then we followed your car."

"This can't even be legal. can you just leave and let me go home? I don't want to talk to you, that's why I haven't. The night at the party was a mistake, that wasn't me at all. Now let me go." I started to push past Myles to the door, but Kalin held me back.

"Nah bruh, let her go," Myles warned, opening the door for me. "we know where she lives now."

The door slammed shut, and I turned back to say something, but the car peeled out and was gone.


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