Chapter Eight

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Okay sorry I'm taking so long to update. I get busy with life and forget. If you want me too update regularly, follow me on twitter @KAMFICS and tweet me to remind me and I will try my best. Also, as I'm writing this, Risk is close to 1,000 reads which is CRAZINESS. Tysm! Enjoy!


I went back to get the key, and as I walked to the door and I steered the key into the whole of the knob, I was shaking.

That really just happened. I almost just got kidnapped. I could have been raped. They could have killed me. All because I ignored and avoided him. I mean, he was the leader of a gang, that was kinda the stuff he does, I guess.

I closed the door behind me and turned on a light as I entered my house.

I walked to the kitchen and got a cup and filled it up with water from the sink, still shaking the whole time.

I put the cup in the sink, and headed out of the kitchen, down the hall to my bedroom.

I needed to tell Jordyn what just happened. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed her number. I sat on the edge of my bed, tapping my left index finger on my knee, waiting for her to answer, but it went straight to voicemail. Thank god I didn't need her while they had me in the car.

I hung up instead of saving a message and sent her a text.

'Call me ASAP'.

I lowered my purse off my shoulder and placed it on my desk. I walked towards my closet to grab a pair of sweats and a T-shirt to wear as pajamas, when I heard a knock at my window.

I froze, and my heart started pounding like never before as my eyes widened and sweat started to pour down my face.

There's no way. It can't be him. They know where I live, yeah, but not that this is my room.

There was another knock and I hesitated to walk over to the window. I slowly pulled away the curtain and screamed as a face appeared. I quickly closed the curtain, and jumped back, trying to catch my breathe.

Wait a minute...I started to think, as there was a knock again.

I opened the curtain and window this time.

"Jordyn, what are you doing?! God dammit you scared me!" I asked my best friend thru the screen.

"The battery in my car died just down the street and I didn't want to knock on your door incase your dad and Jax were asleep." She told me.

"And you didn't call me because?..." I questioned.

"My phones dead too."

"Well I'm glad you're here, I have something I need to tell you." I told her, lowering me head, looking at the floor nervously and licking my lips.

"What?" she asked cautiously, raising her eyebrows. "Can you at least let me inside first?"

"Yeah, come to the front door. Wait...where's Alex?"

"Her bitch ass had James come pick her up." Jordyn said with disgust.

"He couldn't jump your car for you?" I knew they had beef, but that's a pretty low thing for anyone too do.

"No. He didn't even offer. And I asked and he said 'hell no' and drove off." she informed me.

"Why does he still not even talk to you? Wasn't that all in like 7th grade?"

"That what? I turned him down? Yeah. He needs to grow up, were graduated for god sakes." she said, shaking her head. "Anyway, what'd you need to tell me?"

I inhaled a deep breathe before starting my story.

"After you drove away, I couldn't find my keys in my purse so I went to the side of the house to get the spare keys and another car drove up and someone grabbed me and pulled me in the car and it was Myles and he said he followed us since I avoided him then he let me go and said he knows where I live so God knows what he's going to do now." I let out in one breathe.

"Woah," Jordyn said with a worried look on her face as she reached her hands out to my shoulders as if to comfort me. "So he came up to you and threw you in his car?"


"Do you think he'll come back?" she asked me.

"I told him that night at the party wasn't me and to let me leave and Kalin wanted to keep me but Myles said 'Nah bruh, let her go. We know where she lives now.' So probably." I informed her on what I skipped in the story.

"Kalin wanted to keep you?"

"Just in the car, so Myles could talk to me. Because I was trying to get out. At least I hope so..."

"They were the ones following us from the club." she recalled.

"Yes. Every time I do something out of character with you, something with then happens." I realized.

"That was the second time." she argued.

"Well still. is your car on the side of the road? Want to just stay the night and my dad can help you in the morning?" I asked Jordyn.

"Yeah, let me just text my mom."


It was 6 am the next morning, and I was up off 2 hours of sleep. I couldn't do anything but toss and turn all night, thinking about what happened.

"Alright Jordyn, let's go get your car started then were off to your uncles." my dad said, turning to me and Jax and opening the door.

As I stepped out of the doorway to walk to my dad's car, I noticed a car pull up barely to the side of the fence, and a familiar white figure in the drivers seat.


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