Chapter One

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I don't know why I'm here. I don't even know where here is. Its Saturday night. I should be at home, on my computer, fangirling about someone, but no. Jordyn dragged me to this house party.
"We're about to graduate, you gotta do something!" She says.

Speaking of her, I don't even know where she went. I'm sitting over here all alone now, on the bottom of a stairwell, fangirling on my phone. She thinks she can take me away from it. I don't care how old I am.

"Hailey!" I barely hear over the music being blasted. I look up from my iPhone screen too see my best friend, Jordyns' dark shadow, walking towards me.
"You're at a party! Come on. Turn up! They're about to have a twerking contest!" she handed me some kind of drink concoction in a red solo cup.

I took it and looked at it disgusted, and swirled it around the cup.

"A twerking contest?" How retarded was that? "What is this? You know I don't drink."

"Just try it." Jordyn rolled her eyes at me. "Yolo Hailey! Come on! This is the next 4 years of your life, start it."

I sighed and thought what she said. 'Yolo'. She did have a point, this was my last high school party, after all.

I got up and followed Jordyn to an empty living room. All these guys were at the front, interested in what was about to happen.

As I finished my drink, Jordyn took me to a table to get another. I downed it.

All of a sudden, Bring It Back came on and 3 girls got on the wall.

"Why are we watching this Jordyn?" I asked, not interested at all. "You know how I feel about 'twerking'."

"Watch? We're participating!"

"What the fu-" I started to blurt out, when I was pushed on the back, to where the other girls just were. "Um, no, I don't think so. This is the biggest joke ever." I walked into the crowd by myself to a couch, making sure to grab another drink first.

As I took a swig, a cute white boy came and sat next to me.

He lifted his chin at me, and opened his mouth, when a tall, black guy came over and nudged his shoulder "Bro! Come check this girl out. She sexy and got moves."

They both left, and I, confusedly finished my drink. I stood up, feeling kind of lightheaded, and eventually found Jordyn.

"You missed everything." She said as I looked around confused. She looked around and got back onto the designated 'dance floor.' I, standing by myself, had no idea what to do and just stood in place. I eventually felt the buzz from the alcohol come thru, and joined Jordyn. Over all the guys who were howling and yelling and fist pumping all around us, I saw the white guy from earlier come towards me.

He looked down at me, pulled me further from Jordyn then I was, and got close to me and started dancing with me. Before I knew it, my standing alone had turned into grinding on him.

Jordyn stopped, gave me a worried look, and left. The floor was ours. What I thought would go on, stopped as I felt a cool hand wrap around my forearm, and pull me with it.

A couple songs had passed, and white boy needed a break. He took me to the couch we were on earlier.

"Stay here." He demanded me as he threw me down went to get a drink for both of us.

"Hailey!" Jordyn ran over. "What are you doing?!" she whispered.

"Wh-what do you mean? Do you see that fly? Hahaha he's flying." I pointed and followed it thru the sky.

"Do you know who that is?!"

"Do you know the muffin man?" I asked seriously, grabbing her shirt and pulling her close.

"No! That guy! That's Myles! Myles Parrish! The new kid who's in that gang that just moved to town! God your breath reaks"

"That means he's got guns and hoes. Guns and hoes." I said sloppily.

"Dammit Hailey, are you drunk?!" Jordyn asked surprised, as if she wasn't the one who had handed me my first drink.

Myles was coming back.

" careful. Leave him as soon as you can, okay?" she left.

"So," he sat down, looking me up and down, "Your name is?"

"I know who you are." I blurted out, my mouth hanging open.

He grinned and winked at me. "Oh do you?"

"You-You're Myles P-Parrish," I stared into his eyes.

"I like it when girls know my name," he said leaning into me, biting his lip.

I closed my eyes, and before I knew it, his lips were pressed to mine. I moved my hands to his neck, and he moved his to the back of my head. He tried to slip his tongue in to my mouth, and I let him, as he ran his fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp.

All of a sudden, the room lit up blue and red, and the music stopped to reveal the sounds of police sirens.

"Oh shit, I gotta get out of here." Myles quickly rose, pushing himself off me. "Tyler!" He yelled out to some other kid, "Cover my ass! I'm still on probation."

I sat there, alone and confused, until Jordyn's arm grabbed mine and pulled me out a backdoor.

"I told you to get away from him, not make out with him Hailey! The hell was that?!"

"You're teeth are so white-Why's the tree coming towards me? Mr Tree I payed my rent."

"And you're hella drunk. I can't take you home like this. Where's your phone? Give me your phone. I need to text your dad that you're staying over."

"I'll-I'll-I'll do it-"

"No you will not drunk text your father!" She ripped my phone out of my hands.


I woke up the next morning with a killer headache, and my stomach turning. I tried to stand up but laid right back down.

"Jesus. Jordyn," I said, clenching my side, "I think I'm sick."

"You're not sick, you're hung-over!" She laughed at me.

"What?" I asked, a look of confusion overcoming my face.

"Do you not remember last night?" she asked, looking at me and raising an eyebrow.

The last thing I remembered was sitting alone on the stairs, on my phone. "Not really."

"Well maybe it's a good thing that you don't remember." She replied as she looked away.

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"You don't want to know."

Don't want to know? That's ALL I want to know.

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