Chapter Fourteen

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Realizing I was in Myles bed, and that the unfamiliar little boy I'd seen in my dreams before was Myles, going back to sleep was the last thing I could do.

I picked my phone up off of his dresser to the side of the bed to check the time.

6:42. I walked across the room and lifted the blinds to see the sun starting to peek out above the roofs of the houses across the street.

I had nothing new to change into, but walked across the hall to the bathroom and turned on the shower anyway. I dug through the cupboards trying to find a towel.

I finally found one and stripped my clothes and my special silver bracelet I wore everyday that has been my moms and stepped under the warm water.

The dream/memory I had had too many times before kept replaying in my mind. I had to ask Myles if that was him.

I turned off the water and wrapped the towel I had hanging over the shower rod around me before pulling back the shower curtain. And thank god I did...

"Ah!" I screamed and tightened the hold in my towel around me, upon seeing a familiar short dark haired boy with a fixed gaze of aw on his face.

"You cant put those dirty clothes back on. Here." He slammed a pair of boxers, blue plaid pajama pants and a grey shirt down on the counter and walked out, yelling behind him "Come to the kitchen when you're done."

I looked at the clothes, and back at the bathroom door a good 3 times before running over to it and locking it, which I was sure I did when I first walked in.

Hesitant about putting his clothes on, I did so. I brushed thru my hair with my fingers to eliminate as much bed head as possible before walking down stairs.

As I stepped off the bottom step and towards the kitchen, Kalin turned his head from the living room and looked at me, winking and smiling.

I pulled at the collar of my shirt, remembering this was Myles shirt, and realized why Kalin looked at me like that. I was in Myles clothes and fresh out the shower. He thought we got it on last night. I rolled my eyes in disgust.

I walked into the kitchen and Myles was standing at the stove with a dish towel over his shoulder and spatula in hand.

"Come on...come on...come on...AHH YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He yelled after his attempt at flipping a pancake with just the pan failed.

I stood at the table and couldn't help but laugh, causing him to turn around.

"Hailey," his eyes lit up as he removed the dish towel, "you may not know this, but I am an amazing cook."

"False!" Kalin and Jake both yelled out from seperate rooms, simultaneously.

"Fine," he sighed, "but I'm a good reader and I can copy the directions pretty well." He informed me, pointed to the yellow box on the counter.

"Well then you might want to get your pancakes off before they burn."

"Shit you're right."


After eating the pancakes in an awkward silence, I finally decided to break it.

"Myles, is there anyway you could take me back home?"

"Now?" He questioned. "It's only 8."

"Yeah, now please."


I went upstairs and changed back into my own clothes. I wouldn't be caught dead by my dad in a boys clothes, or I'd be dead.

I looked around his room to make sure I didn't forget anything.

Myles came jogging up the stairs.

"Let me grab my keys and we can go."


A few minutes later we were backing out of his driveway.

"Myles, can I ask you something?"

"I guess."

"Was there any times that maybe your dad had beaten your mom so bad she had to go to the hospital and you were there?" I spoke quietly.

I saw his knuckles tighten against the steering wheel and heard him take a deep breathe in.

"I'm sorry, but, you see, I have this dream all the time...its like a memory..."

"I don't give a fuck what you have, don't bring up my mom or my bastard of a dad" he yelled out.

"No, no, Myles just listen please." I beg.

"No. I've heard enough. shut up the rest of the way or you can walk." he tells me, never taking his eyes off the road.

I open my mouth to say something but realize it's probably best not too, and close my mouth and sit back against the seat.

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