Chapter Six

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A month of summer had already passed, and I'd done nothing.

I decided to call Jordyn, because I couldn't take another day of waking up late, doing nothing, and going to bed super early in the morning, as fun as it was.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Can we please do something tonight? I'm so bored just staying home. Like, we just graduated and have literally done one thing since, which was still put on by the school."

She laughed at the other end, "Speak for yourself. I actually went to this club last Friday with Alex and Fernanda. Hey, tomorrow's Friday, we could do that!"

"A club?" I questioned with a look of somewhat disgust on my face. "You know I'm not into dancing and drinking- DONT EVEN BRING IT UP." I had to yell out before she interrupted me to remind me if that night I wish I could go back and stop.

"Just come on, there's a lounge area. You can hang out there if you really don't want to dance." She informed me.

I sighed into the phone "I guess."

"Alright! I'm gonna invite Alex too. She'll dance."

"Oh shut up." I rolled my eyes to myself. "I'll see you tomorrow." I hung up.


It was the next night, and Jordyn, Alex and I all walked into the dark room, which was bigger then it looked from outside. To the right was the dance floor and stage, where the DJ was supposed to be, but wasn't at the moment. In front of us was an area to get drinks, which I couldn't feel right calling a bar since this was an 18 under club and there was no alcoholic drinks.
The the left was where I would be spending a majority of my night, a lounge area with tables, chairs, and lots of couples making out.

"Well if you wanna give me your purses, I'll go sit down while you guys dance." I said to Jordyn and Alex.

"You aren't gonna dance?!" Alex asked shocked.

"No, that's why Jordyn invited you." I laughed at she looked at me like she was going to kill me.

"You will be coming out at some point." Jordyn informed me.

"Oh, ok, sure." I shook my head and smiled, reassuring her as I put her and Alex's' purses around my arm and turned around to go sit.

About an hour had passed, and I sat alone undisturbed at the table when the music from the speakers stopped, causing me to look up from my phone, and everyone to stop dancing.

"I'm the DJ for the night. If you got any requests, come up here, but I'll keep it pretty turnt, I'm only 16, I know what y'all want." Music started, and immediately everyone started dancing.

Just as I was starting to figure out who he looked like, the DJ announced thru the speakers, "Oh yeah, my names JakeeyP."

I heard a howl of cheers from an area to my left, and looked over, as I felt my heart beat pick up, and eyes go wide.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. That was Kalin and Myles. I quickly turned around, and lowered my head as close to the table as I could while they walked by.

I saw them walk outside and took this as my chance.

I grabbed all of our stuff and ran to the dance floor to tell Jordyn.

"Jordyn!" I yelled when I finally found her. "We have to go!" I pronounced clearly and pointed to the door knowing she couldn't hear me.

She looked at me, her eyebrows raising in the center in confusion.

I pulled her close to me by her shoulder and cupped my other hand around her and shouted again "We have to go."

She said something to Alex, who stayed as we walked over towards the bathrooms where it was a little quieter.

"What's wrong?" Jordyn asked with concern. "Why do we need to go?"

"Myles is here!" I shouted louder then I needed too.

"How do you-"

"That DJ up there? That's Jake. Kalin is here too!"

And right on que, just like every time, Kalin, Myles, and this other guy who looked somewhat familiar walked in.

Jordyn saw them step back in thru the door and pushed me back into the bathroom before they could see us.

"When was the last time you actually talked to Myles?" She asked.

"Um, the party, I guess."


"That day you gave him my number."

"Well then it's been a couple months, maybe they've forgotten about you. Or are at least done trying to get you. Just don't look at them or seem nervous. Come dance with me and Alex and if anything starts to happen, we'll leave." Jordyn planned.

"Alright," I mumbled, picking at the nail polish coming off my thumb.

"We out this bishh." Jordyn threw the bathroom door open, heading out to the dance floor.

As she walked out she added, "How is Myles here anyway? Isn't he like 20?"

"He sure looks 15." We laughed.

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