Chapter Twelve

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BEFORE YOU READ ON, I JUST WANT O SAY...anything you read that I've written about the boys parents, I don't believe is true in the slightest. I love them as much as the boys, and think they've done an amazing job raising them into the young men they are today and I couldn't thank them enough for blessing us with them. So please do not take anything the wrong way or question me as to if it's true, because it is completely made up to make the story what it is. Thanks for reading :) Remember to follow me on twitter @KAMFICS


As we got in the car I realized something.

"It's not a school night, it's summer." I spoke.

Myles laughed and shook his head as he put on his seatbelt. "You fell for it."


He just looked ahead and smiled wide enough for me to see his teeth.

"Were you just trying to take me home with you?" I realized.

He said nothing, still smiling.

I looked out my window, cursing at myself. Suddenly my phone lit up. a message from my dad. my heart started beating as I read the words 'Where r u at?'. I looked around trying to figure what to tell him.

'Over at Jordyns. I'll call later....might spend the night'


We pulled up to a house that I remembered oh too well.

Sure enough, the house where the party was, was his.

Myles smirked at me before unfastening his seatbelt. "Remember what happened last time you were here?"

Um, not really. I thought to myself as I avoided eye contact with him and said nothing.

I walked up the step to the porch as he opened the door to the blue two story house.

Myles gestured with his arm for me to walk in first. Now he wants to be a gentlemen.

I walked in to a tall kid throwing something at a much shorter kid. Kalin and Jake.

They froze in place when they saw me, then looked at Myles with a look that'd say "Good job bro.", but Myles shook his head no. They looked back at me confused.

"Hailey, Kalin and Jake. Kalin and Jake, Hailey." Myles introduced us.

"Yeah I know her." Kalin said rudely, looking me up and down. "Why she here?"

"Because this house is under my name and I can do what I want." Myles shot back at him.

"We can't just bring a girl over," Kalin started, gesturing at him and Jake, "why can you bro?"

Myles looked at him like he wanted to fight him.

"My house. My gang. My rules. If you don't like them, you can get the FUCK OUT." Myles yelled.

My eyes widened, as my heart started to beat and I looked around. Myles walked away from my side to punch Kalin, and Kalin responded the same way. I looked around with worry.

Jake walked over to me and said in a quite tone, "It's okay, this happens pretty often, they'll be done real quick and act like nothing happened. Just stay out of Myles way when he does this. Once he's locked in, he's locked in." he lifted up his shirt for me to see a scar all around his rib cage. "I tried to stop him once and he had a lamp in his hands."

Oh, yeah, this was perfectly normal.

Sure enough, a few punches later, Myles stepped back and walked over to me and Kalin walked into another room.

"Um, sorry, I kinda, well...let's go upstairs and finish our talk." he said as he ran up the stairs with me trailing behind in confusion.

He pushed a door open, revealing a dark room with only a full sized bed and dresser with a tv on it, and clothes all over the floor. All over the floor.

"Yeah, its, uh, kinda messy." he said looking around, his right hand placed behind his head and down his neck. "Been a while since I had company."

"Oh, well that's good to know." I joked, remembering the only reason he's allowed to bring a girl home and imagining just what they'd do after.

Myles threw some bags off his bed and motioned me to sit.

AsI started to sit down, I saw something that was still on his bed. I went into a panic, my palms started to sweat and heart started I beat as I pointed and took a step back. I didn't say anything but Myles noticed. Walking over to the. bed, Myles picked up the gun and wiped it down with his index finger.

"It's just a gun, it's not gonna hurt-" he paused realizing that the words he was about to say would've been a complete lie. "I won't let it hurt you." he tossed it over to the lone dresser.

He sat down next to me.

"You still wanna know my story?" he asked, licking his lips.

I shook my head yes.

"I don't know why the fuck I'm gonna tell you this," he started out "but here goes. Me and Jake didn't have that great a life at home. My dad was hardly ever around, and when he was he was drunk. and when he was drunk, he would fight. Didn't matter who. Jake, my mom, my older brother Casey, me. My mom tried to take me and both my brothers and leave. Multiple times. Each time though, my dad found us. Casey and I always being the oldest would try and protect my mom and Jake. So we got it the worst."

This made me wonder where Casey was, and why Jake was in the gang instead.

"Casey would mostly protect mom, and I, Jake. Eventually mom started taking pills for the emotional damage done to her by her husband. She then got addicted to her pills. And other pills. This was about 6 years ago. I was barely 15, Jake only 11. Casey tried everything to help mom, but nothing would get her better. One day I decided I couldn't be around this. Constant leaving and beatings from my dad, my mom going crazy and having no idea what was going on around her, or who I was." It looked like a tear started to fall from Myles eye and he lowered his face into his hands, his elbows resting on his knees. He looked up before continuing. "I took Jake and left, despite all the argument and fights with Casey about staying with him and mom the whole two days before. Then we found Kalin. He was by himself at a basketball court at 1 am. He was 13 at the time. Said he was out there because he felt neglected from his family. His dad had left and his mom paid no attention to him, just the other guys she brought in and out. I told him about me and Jake and the 3 of us were out on the streets. But we weren't on the streets on the good side of town. Random guys in the 20's would wake us up in the middle of the nights with knifes to our throats, taking everything down the the shirt on our backs from us. The only way to survive was to get like them. So we became our own gang of three, robbing grocery stores when we wanted to eat, clothing stores when we needed a new pair of shoes. To keep from any cops finding us, we slept at a different park every night. That only lasted about a month before we ran into Tyler. Tyler's mom let us stay at their place. Things got a little better, not having to fend for ourselves constantly, but once you're in this life, you can't get out. I got a job, along with Tyler and we took care if the four of us. As soon as I could rent us our own apartment, I did. We ended up about two blocks from this other gang of 5. Basically our rivals. See I started selling drugs on the side, and they did too. I got more business. They weren't very happy about that. They would break into our apartment while we were out, vandalize the front. So I got us this house," Myles opened his arms wide, looking up at and pointing to the ceiling. We moved an hour away, and haven't had problems...yet."

I stared at Myles and my mouth hung open. That was a lot to comprehend.

Suddenly, my phone rang.

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