Chapter 1

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okay so it is really late at night kinda and ima really tiiiired!! so excuse all the misspelled word and what not.

And also please excuse me for making this chapter soooo short, im just really tired


Chapter 1

"You know that that was a stupid idea Mila!" My father was yelling at me because he had found out about Declan, and I'm pretty sure my father would be yelling at him right now and not me if Declan was still here. It had been months since that night had happened, and I had been able to keep it a secret until one of the maids that had seen us told another maid and another maid etc. until it had finally reached my father and mother.

"Are you even listening to me Mila?! What you did was stupid and careless! What would have happened if you had gotten pregnant? You would have had a bastard son and you know you wouldn't be able to count him as an heir to thee throne. And now that you have done this how will you find a true mate? He will never take you to his bed. That coward of a werewolf has marked you in more ways than you could imagine. Were you trying to get yourself killed. Just because im king doesn't mean that I'm above the law." and that was true he wasn't. And everyone knew that. Well, I don't care, I knew for a fact that Declan didnt leave. He was killed and I had the shredded remains of my heart to prove it. That night I felt pain in my heart, and that pain could only mean that he was dead. It felt like my soul had been ripped from my body. And in some sick kind of way I wish I could have had his baby, that way I would of had a small piece of him with me always. Bur I wasn't about to let my father know that.

"I'm sorry daddy. I know I was being irresponsible but...I do love him and I  always will. There is nothing you could say to make me feel otherwise. And he didn't run away, he died that night and so did I!"

" did love him. And there might not be anything I can say but there is definitely something I can do. You will forget about this scum and you will continue with your life as if it never happened, and yes, Milia, you will be married. And there is nothing you can say or DO about that. Go to your room until I call you in the morning." He walked over to the  guards and whispered something in their ears. They grabbed my arms when my father was done talking to them. Recently I had begun to understand that I wasn't daddy's little princess anymore, but a prisoner in my own home. Guards went with me everywhere and I even dared to go into the bathroom until U taught them with my fist that the bathroom is private. You should have seen the looks on their faces.

The next couple of weeks were hell for me. My father had decided that I couldn't go anywhere becasue he thought that I was going to jump every guys bones. Which wasn't true, because there was only one guys bones that I wanted to jump and he was dead. Stupid dad making me remember about Declan. Even thought it had been months, i still missed him with all of my being.  

And even though I had told my father that I would never have another mate, he still planned on my coming out party. I had to successfully pick a he-wolf to help me rule all the packs. And let me tell you that every he-wolf wanted that position. 

"Time to go to bed!" I said to myself. I was just so tired physically and emotionally that I was pretty sure I was going to die if i didnt go to sleep soon.

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There was some banging sound, it started to get annoying, so I picked up my pillow and threw it at the offended noise coming from my window. After my pillow it stopped and then started again, so I peeked out from beneath my covers. From what I saw it was just the window pane. So I turned back over and decided to go back to bed. But then I heard the noise again, only louder and it seemed like the noise was getting louder. I turned over and jumped into a fighting stance. But what I saw disarmed me completely. The figure standing in front of me was no other than my love, Declan.


how was it for turns and twists? did you ike it? hehehe next chapter is going to have another twist in it!!! ahhhh! cant wait!!! vote...comment...please!!! ;* chica out!

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