Chapter 14

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hey guys! im so sorry that i havent uploaded sooner. i just have a ton of work right now...dumb essay! so please be understanding! :) 

Lex’s p.o.v.

Oh crap. Mila wanted to talk to me, about what? When women wanted to talk it was never a good idea to go alone when talking to one of that species.

Mila had a look that said ‘I know you don’t want to talk about this but we are going to anyways’, and it was freaking me out more than a crazy person on crack.

“Lex we need to talk about you and me”. She touched my arm and pulled me into one of the chairs outside the office we had just come out of.

“What’s the matter Mila?” the look on her face was starting to make me very nervous, so nervous that I was starting to shake a little.

“Lex I don’t know quite how to say this but, I want to try. I mean give you and me a try.”  She looked up into my eyes with her brilliant blue ones and they nearly knocked me off my feet with their beauty.

“What do you mean exactly? Like you want to try being friends or….”

“No Lex, I want to try being together, and most definitely more than friends with you. I know that I have been really horrible to you in the past but I’m sorry for it now. I know that Declan isn’t coming back anytime soon and if he did love me then he wouldn’t have left me like he did.” Her beautiful angel eyes started to water and placed my hand on her cheek trying to comfort her. “If he died then I need to move one and have a life to, and I see that with you Lex. You are what I want.” She smiled at me and my heart started to brake within chest.

It was kind of funny in a way because she was all that I wanted and all that I had dreamed about for years but when she told me that she wanted me because she was ready, I had no idea what to say to her. She had struck me speechless.

Suddenly great emotion came over me and I picked her up and spun her around in my arms a few times before finally allowing her feet to touch the floor again.

“Lex calm down. You’re acting like I just saved the world or something.” She patted my arm softly.

“Mila you have made me the happiest man on the face of this planet. This is so huge! I need to tell someone.” I left her there and was off to tell the other men of my new found fortune.

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Mila’s p.o.v.

“Lex? I want to talk to you about us.”

I was taking a huge step from what I knew I was ready for. I wasn’t ready for this to go anywhere but there was something about Lex that just screamed ‘you need him!’ in my heart.

I knew that after I told him that I wanted more than what we were doing now my bond with Declan would vanish and be replaced by the new one I would create with Lex.

My hands were sweaty and I rubbed them franticly together waiting for him.

A million questions were running through my head. ‘What would he say?’ ‘How would he react?’ ‘Would he even want me after I denied him so many times?’

I reached for his very muscular arm and pulled him outside the office and into one of the chairs next to the door.

I looked at his face and noticed he had this ‘I’m ready for a fight’ face on. Or maybe he was just scared of me. Ha! Him scared of me? Whatever!

“Lex we need to talk about you and me”.

"What’s the matter Mila?” he sounded and concerned for me. I was starrig into his eyes so intently while I said the next part. 

“Lex I don’t know quite how to say this but, I want to try. I mean give you and me a try.” my head had started to fall because I didn’t want to look into his while i said this. It was so embarrassing for me! 

“What do you mean exactly? Like you want to try being friends or….”

Was he seriously not getting what I was saying? Dense much.  

“No Lex, I want to try being together, and most definitely be more than friends with you. I know that I have been really horrible to you in the past but I’m sorry for it now. I know that Declan isn’t coming back anytime soon and if he did love me then he wouldn’t have left me like he did.” Don’t cry Mila. Stay strong girl.

Declan is my past and Lex is my future and you can do nothing but move forward from here. Going back is not an option.

“If he died then I need to move one and have a life to, and I see that with you Lex. You are what I want.”

I smiled my most cheesy smile because I was so nervous.

All of a sudden I was picked up off the ground and being spun around the room by strong muscular arms. Most importantly they were Lex’s sexy arms holding me up.

“Lex calm down. You’re acting like I just saved the world or something.” I patted his arm softly, hoping he would put me down on the ground.

“Mila you have made me the happiest man on the face of this planet. This is so huge! I need to tell someone.”

I had made him the happiest man on the planet? Really? I’m really surprised to hear that from him.

Wait…what?! He’s going to tell people about us so soon.

“Lex wait.” But he was already out the door to go tell the whole world about us. Great….

I walked slowly back up to my room thinking about what I had just signed myself up for.

While concentrating on not tripping on my new dress I ceased to notice a silhouette standing at the top of the stairs.

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Lex’s p.o.v.

I walked out to the stables to tell Kay about Mila and me. when from out of nowhere I felt an icy cold chill go up my back and into the back of my head.

I stopped in my tracks and slowly looked around the courtyard, where I was standing and around the edges of the forest waiting to see something or someone.

I waited and waited and waited until I saw it, and inky black shadow standing partially behind one of the trees on the outer cropping of trees closest to the castle.

He lifted his arm and pointed at one of the highest windows on the castle’s turret.

Why was he pointing at...Mila! 


thanks for reading peeps! please continue to vote and comment and fan me. 

and i would just like to say thank you for all the support so far. :)

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