Chapter 3

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yah i know i said that i wasnt gonna upload until tomorrow and waht not but i took a shower and got right back on the computer. i just cant stop myself! mmmwawawahahhaah!!!! oh sorry. that evil laugh just kinda popped out there. teehee.  comment comment comment!!!  vote  voye   vote!!! please please please!!!!! *runs away*

screw spellchecker! i dont think anyone cares anyways. its like 4:30 a.m. 


I walk down the hall and into my father's massive study. The guard trailing me the entire way. When  I reached the doors I paused.

Come on Mila, you can do this. Just lift your hand and open the damn door. No matter what he says stay firm! Yah theres my strong girl i know.

"Mila, I know your out there, so you might as well come inside where its warm." Fine....But i wont like it one bit!

"The guard said you had something very urgent to talk to me about. So go on..." Spit it out already. Your wasting my precious morning aloneness. Is aloneness even a word? Whatever. He's probably going to want me to tell him what happened last night.

"Come sit over here kido. I have some important stuff to talk to you about." He motioned for the guard to leave us. "Now Mila, I know these past months have been hard on you and I havent helped in that matter. I'm sorry for that and I will try to make it easier for you." Oh my god did he seriously just apologise to me?! He never apologizes to anyone, least of all his smart ass daughter. Wow, Daddy must feel really bad. Good! I hope he feels horrible about all the things he has said to  me.

"And I know that this really isn't going to help anything but I want you to not leave the castle for a while. Last night there was a break in and we don't yet know how it happened but it did. And your life was almost compromised. Since you are the only heir to the throne, we can't have you dying, now can we." Was he trying to be funny or something? Me staying in the castle for a while. Yah, I don't think so, he might not believe me, but I can take care of myself when I have to. "I also would like it if you could tell me what happened. the guards that shot the menace told me that you were saying something about that Declan boy. They also said that you clung to him with all your life. What happened?"

"That was Declan Daddy! I swear. He was there with me in my room." Tears started to come into my eyes at remembering what happened last night. "I know he was there." I mumbled to myself.

"Honey, he wasn't there. It was a criminal come to kill you. An assassin that someone hired. That man was not Declan, Mila." I didn't want to believe him but I sorta did. Last night Declan didn't even remember who I was. And now that I think about it, his eye color was kinda off. they weren't the rich brown of my love, rather a muted brownish grey. How could I have thought he was my mate. He was nothing like him. I was probably just so happy to see someone that resembled him from a distance.

"Is that all you have to talk to me about father?" Please just let me leave and go die of embarrassment and shame in my lonely room.

"No, thats not all. I have some happy news for you darling." Uh oh, it must be something really bad because he's using sweet pet names.  "As you know, your 18th birthday is coming up and as you also know that is also the night that you find your mate." Oh my god no! Thats the one night I dread. The one night that I will have to cheat on Declan. My father knows this and he's practically foaming at the mouth with hate for Declan. The one night that has for revenge against us both.

"So you're making me choose then?" Please say you will wait a little longer. Please, please, please!

"No, I'm sorry, once you find your mate that night I will also be giving up my kingdom to you and whoever your man is. You will become Queen and he will be your consort until he dies."  

"You can't do that! It's not fair to me! I already have a mate! I don't need another one. Please father, just let me rule without a mate I don't need one!" I just couldn't do that to my love. I know he is dead but the memory of him is still fresh in my mind.

"You will do this or so help me Mila..." He took a couple of deep breaths and continued. "There are a lot of things you dont know about yourself and I will tell you in due time, but right now you just need to sit back and look as always. And Mila, you will have another mate. Declan is dead! he isn't coming back anytime soon. I killed him myself!" after he said that I knew that I would never be able to look at my father the same way again. He killed my mate. Why? What was it about Declan that he hated so much?

"I hate you! I hate everything about you!" I ran from the room never looking back. I ran all the way to my room and fell into my bed. My cries were silent. I didn't have anymore tears to shed. I was empty. I was a shell. knowing that Declan was dead was terrible, but knowing that someone I loved killed him, made it all the worse for me. I didn't want to be one of those sniffling girls, but how can I go on? How can I still be alive?

"Mila....." What the hell was that! Oh my god!

"Mila....." Ahhh, I went over to my window and looked out. There was nothing there excpet the outside world that I was no longer able to visit.

"Down...." That voice. So familiar. I looked down. And what I saw amazed me. I had expected to see a human but no, standing there on all fours was a black as night wolf with glowing brown eyes. The most beautiful I had ever seen.

"Out......." Holy hell, was the wolf talking to me? He wanted me to come outside. No way in hell was I coming outside. 

"Please......." It sounded desperate. Maybe I could for just a minute. So I 

pulled myself onto the window ledge and swung my legs out. I jumped, hoping I wouldn't brake anything. I landed with an oomph and tripped. The wolf just starred at me and waited.

"Follow....." Thank you mister desciptive. And the dang wolf just turned and walked off never once looking back to see if I followed.

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