Chapter 5

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oh my god this took me forever to write. you know what i mean. usually i upload a couple of chapters a day and this is like my first one in two days.

sorry people!

well enjoy, please comment so i can know some of your thoughts


"Let me go right now. You have no idea who you are dealing with here!" I hate being manhandled by this guy. I mean seriously, he probably was a crazy, bipolar, serial killer or something along those lines.

Dad is going to be so mad if I ever see him again and my future at this moment wasn't looking to bright. Maybe if I wiggle around he will...

"Wiggling won't help you." Holy hell! Could this guy read my mind or something? This was just like bein in one of those paranormal movies.

"Please let me go." I tried to give him the sweetest little girl face I could, but sadly my butt was the only thing that he could see of me.

"I can't, I wouldn't be a very good leader if i let someone go who knew all about us, now would I. And I think you will make a good servant for me. When we get back to my pack, there's some laundry you can start doing if you get bored." I don't do laundry! I will just give him the silent treatment from now on. This stupid bastard had no idea who I was did he. I was the freaking princess! 


"Oh my god you did not just slap my ass!" Icky! Icky! "Don't touch me anymore than you have to you pervert!" Geeeesh!  What did a girl have to do to have a normal day around here.

"Well if you would just stay still and not move your ass, I wouldn't have the urge to slap it. Go ahead and move around some more if you want, I certainly don't have a problem smacking your backside."

"You nasty nasty man!"

"Just because I like a nice ass doesn't mean I'm a nasty man." ....Was he laughing at me! Okay, I give up! I officially hate every person on the face of the earth!

"And trust me when I say you have a very beautiful backside." He threw me down on the ground and I landed with a bounce.

"What the hell?! That hurt my butt. Now I'm going to have a ginormous bruise there."

"Want me to kiss it better for you?" he leaned down and tried to grab me.

"Hell no you poop face! get away from me."

"Your no fun! Well actually that's good because we are here. And if I were you I would take my hand and walk through the camp as if you were just any normal bitch coming to my tent every night."

"I most certainly will not act like one of sluts!" Was this guy for real?

"Then I guess your just making it harder for yourself." He reached his hand behind me and grabbed my neck leading me forward.

"Let me go. Oww that hurts!"

"It's you fault you didn't listen to my first suggestion." I was looking around and I saw tents and a couple fires with people around them eating their dinner. Their were small children and old people all around. Most of the younger guys were all huddled around the campfire in the middle.

"Hey Lex! Got another one I see." One of the guys from the middle campfire said. I couldn't really see his face because there were so many people.

"Yah, found her wondering around just inside the woods." He walked me toward the campfire and a few of the men got up. One of them reached out toward my hair I bit his finger.

"Wow, shes real feisty. Sure you can handle her Lex? If you can't then I would be willing to take her off your hands for a few hours." Lex looked at his pack member and growled, a dangerous glint in his eye that said "Stay the fuck!"

"Calm down. My God are you high strung or what. I think someone needs to let off some steam or something. Take her to your tent." After he said that Lex spun on him and hit the man squarely in the jaw. There was a loud cracking sound that came from his mouth.

"Say it again." he said with a menacing voice.

The man just held his jaw and walked off. Everyone there was starring at us, waiting for a fight to brake out.

"Come on Mila. My tent is over there." He picked me up bridal style and carried me inside his tent.

After setting me down on a mound of furs he made a move to leave but I grabbed his arm.

"Sit with me awhile?" he nodded. "So....I guess I'm thankful for what you did back there. He doesn't seem like a nice person."

"Who, Tagor? He's harmless and the ladies don't complain, so..." Yah right he was harmless...everyone here looked like they knew how to use a butcher knife twenty different ways. Even the kids! Okay, maybe I was being a little over the top.

"But anyways, thanks I guess." he looked away from me. What? Was there something on my face?

"No reason to thank me. I was just doing my job." Job? What?

"Lex I..." he spun around and did something I didn't expect. He kissed me. His soft lips moving against mine, his hands moving down my sides. His tongue brushed up against mine in a tease.

"Oh...Lex..." I moaned grabbing his hair. He jumped off of me breathing hard.

We looked at one another and I knew that I had done something horrible, not only had I kissed my enemy, but I had also cheated on Declan. Your such a slut!

"I wish I could..." he murmured but it was so soft I wasn't sure thats what he had said. He left not once looking back.

"What have I done."


oh man! they kissed ahhhh! whats gonna happen now?!!!!???

so good bad? what did you think? leave me a comment.



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