Francesca & Harry <3

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"Yea babe?"

"This wasn't how it was suppose to be"

"Uh I know it's just...the boys, they couldn't help it"

You turned away from your boyfriend and sighed. When you found out Niall, Zayn, Louis, Liam, and the 5SOS boys were going camping with you and Harry, you weren't so pleased. You were hoping I'd be just you and Harry for one whole week, 7 full days of just you, Harry and the great outdoors.

But instead you get 8 boys you hardly know, 3 RVs, a load of home appliances, and 1 oblivious boyfriend.

"Come on babe it'll be fun"

"Sure it will" you say under your breath.


"I can't do this anymore harry!"

"Wait Fran where are you going?"

"I don't know and I don't care. Any where away from here!"

"Wait no, just calm down"

"Calm down!? I am calm!"

"Then why don't you stop yelling? Everything's fine you don't need to yell"

"Harry you don't get it! Nothing is fine!"

"What are you tal-"

You throw down your sleeping bag and backpack and grunt.

"Harry look around you! We were suppose to come camping, not come live in the woods! I mean for crying out loud who brings a microwave when they go out camping?

This, all of this" ,you lift your arms up and point at all the electronics, "this is not camping harry."

"Is that what's been bugging you since we got here?" He asks walking closer towards you.


He laughs and takes you in his arms. You are reluctant to hug him back but after his scent enters your nose you wrap your arms tightly around.

"How 'bout we get out of here & set up all our REAL camping gear?" He says after a while.

"No it's fine Harry I was just over-"

"No Fran you're right. This isn't camping. I'll go tell the boys you're sick or on your period or something & we'll leave" he gives you a cheeky smirk & tightens his grip around your waist.

"Tell them I'm sick haha" you give him a quick kiss before you let him go & grab your stuff


"This is much better" Harry says adjusting the blanket on the both of you.

"It is, & much quieter" you say getting comfortable on his chest.

You turn your half burnt marshmallow & smile. Being in Harry's arms, roasting marshmallows, & listening to him sing is better than you've ever thought camping would be.

"Thank you harry" you whisper closing your eyes.

"Anything for you babe"


I'm back!

As always comment, fan, vote& share (:



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