Julieanne & Nialler c:

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"Okay class you have about an hour. Use your time wisely"

You stared at the paper in front of you. 'How are we suppose to finish 3 double sided papers in one hour?' You thought to yourself. You had never been the one to like exam week or tests at all, but you need to take this test.

As you worked through the first page, you felt a vibration all along your right leg.

Making sure your English teacher didn't see you, you pulled out your phone looking at the screen.

'Baaaaabbbbbeeeeee...' It read.

You looked up at the front of the room to where your teacher sat. She was was preoccupied by a book. Being as sneaky as you could, you pressed the message app and responded to Niall.

'Niall! Why are you texting me in the middle of exams?'

No later than 30 seconds later, another message appeared.

'I need your help :('

Again, you looked up making sure your teacher was occupied.


"Is everything okay Julieanne?" You suddenly heard. Panicked, you sent the message and looked up. "Uhh yes Mrs. Stevens. I just had something on my hand" you easily lied. She suspiciously looked at you before getting back to her book.

As much as you loved Niall, you need to stop texting and finish the test.


"You have 5 minutes" you heard your teacher yell.

You were nearly close but you needed more than 5 minutes. But nonetheless you hurried up and scribbled anything you could think of down, hoping it'll be the right answer.

"Okay students, be sure to check your grade online. The test scores will be on by Sunday!"

You grab your book bag and hurry on out.

You didn't care about the test anymore. All you wanted to do was go out to eat with Niall. As soon as Niall popped into your head you took out your phone and checked your messages.

'Can you get out of class?'



'Jules please answer!'


'Sorry babe! I was taking a test! What is it you need help with?' you quickly typed in. As you walked towards your car, you heard a familiar group of boys laughing.

"JULIEANNE!!" The 4 British boys yelled. "Hey babe" Niall said running towards you.

"What are you doing here" you asked looking into the nearest classroom. A couple of the students had stood up wondering what was all the commotion.

"We came to get you" Louis said like it was the dumbest question ever. "Niall here couldn't stop talking about you" Zayn said coming up behind Niall. "Julieanne this, Julieanne that!" Louis, Zayn and Harry said in a high squeaky voice.

"Oh come on Lou and Zayn. You guys have girlfriends. You know what it's like to be in love" As soon as Liam let the words escape his mouth all boys looked at him.

"What?" You said a smile creeping up your face. You looked at your boyfriend and almost giggled. His face was redder than you'd ever seen.

He stepped closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You held your breath as you anticipated the words you hoped he would say.

"I love you"

That was all it took to make your heart race.

"I love you too" you said smiling. As you two pulled in for a kiss, kids started forming a circle around you and Niall. You could see flashes of light from you closed eyes.

It wasn't the way you pictured the moment he said 'I love you'. Not with a bunch of your classmates staring at you, or with his band mates hollering and yelling 'Yea Nialler!' or with teachers yelling to get out of the way.

But as long as you were with Niall, and that he loved you, it was enough. 'Cause all you need was that blonde little Irish boy.


Guys want an imagine? PM me!! :D



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