Makayla & Zayn <3

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Okay before the imagine begins I just wanna say....when I say 'crazy overly obsessive fans' I don't mean to insult anyone. I am what you all a 'crazy overly obsessive fan' so don't freak. Just chill out and enjoy the imagine.


You and Zayn have been dating for over a year already. There had been some ups and downs throughout your relationship but nonetheless you love him and are eager to spend everyday you can with him. As he is about to leave for tour, one that you will take 9 months away from London, he decides to surprise you and ask for something very amazing.

"Hey babe?" He asks from his living room.


"Let's go out?"

"Right now?" You ask walking out of his kitchen.

"Why not? I have the whole day off. We'll do whatever you want"

"Um I dunno Zayn. I got school"

"Call in sick"

"Umm.... I don't know Zayn. I mean I already missed a good amount of class time...."

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeease? Today's our last day together. I wanna spend as much time with you as I can" he gives you a puppy dog look with those amazing brown eyes that makes it hard to look away. You take a seat next to him and sigh.

The thought of spending 9 whole months away form him makes your heart break. You'd rather spend a whole day with his crazy overly obsessive fans, much of which you cant stand, than to spend 9 months away from Zayn.

"Love?" He asks breaking you out of thought.

"Hmm?" You reply, remembering what he asked.

"So will you?" He once again gives you his puppy dog look and this time you don't hesitate.

"Okay. Fine"

"Yes! Thank you love! Go get ready! Meet me in the car in 10!"

Before he forgets, he walks back to where your sitting and places his lips on yours. The touch of his warm skin and the smell of his cologne makes you shiver. "I love you" he says and goes off to his room.

"I'll pick you up at 7. Be ready"

He grabs your hand and leans in.

"I will I will" you say after your lips separate.

You wait until he drives off before you get into your flat and start getting ready. You have about 2 hours to perfect yourself and look amazing before he picks you up for your date. The day was amazing but you cant wait to sit across from him and look into those beautiul brown eyes.

"Wow Kay, you look amazing" Zayn says as soon as you open your door.

"Thanks babe. You don't look to bad yourself" He extends his arm and helps you out out.

Your long red dress makes it a little hard to walk, along with your black open toed wedges, but you manage.

"It's my last day with you here. Of course I have to do this" he kisses your cheek and leads you into the restaurant.

"Name?" The host asks once you've reached the podium.

"Uh Malik.." Zayn responds.

"Ah yes Mr. Malik. Party of 2. Right this way"

As soon as you get to your table you gasp. It's a single round table, in an empty room, surrounded by twinkley lights and rose petals all over the floor.

"Oh Zayn!" you say hugging him.

"All for you" he whispers in your ear.

"It's so pretty and romantic!" You say pulling back.

"I know"

The two of you sit down and look at your menus. After about 3 minutes of silence Zayn puts down his menu and looks into your eyes.

"There's a reason I brought you here Makayla" he says.

"And why's that?" You inquire.

"Well I sort of wanted to ask you something" he says a little shyly now.

"Yes?" You ask.

"Well I know for a fact I won't be able to stay 9 long months away from you. You get on real well with the lads, and I know you love to see us perform..." He trails off taking your hands in his.

"Yes?" You ask again.

"Kay? Will you go on your with us?"

"Wait...can I?"

"I've talked to Paul...he said its okay, as long as you don't make it hard for me..." He looks down and smiles.

"Oh Zayn Malik! No!" You say, cheeks getting red.

"It's not like we'll do it EVERY day" he laughs.

"We're not doing THAT with the boys there!" You say laughing too.

"But will you?" He asks once again.

"I'd love too!" You lean in and plant a kiss on his lips.

Going on tour with Zayn is something you've always wanted to do. And now you finally get to do it!


Hey turtles! So I kinda rushed it at the end! :O I had to hurry and finish writing this so I could finish my homework.

I know i know. Wattpad first.

Anyways as always FAN/COMMENT/VOTE & SHARE!

If you want an imagine PM ME! I'd love to make you one! :)

Like Sexy Zayn over there!? Hahaha




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