Lauren & Louis

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*Dedication to @dancemoms4life21* (you asked me to write you one so long ago! Sorry (:)

Happy reading xx


It had been one of those lazy sunday afternoons where you should've been doing homework but you weren't. Instead you were sitting on your little sofa in the loft of your apartment, scrolling through your tumblr dash while hearing re-runs of Friends in the background.

Usually you'd avoid tumblr due to the fact that it'd get spammed whenever you reblogged something, but it'd been a little over two months since you last got on it and you thought eh why the heck not? and so there you were blogging and reblogging stuff, ignoring the all too familiar questions in your ask.

It's not that you hated all the spammers but from time to time you found them a bit annoying. After all it was your boyfriend who was the famous one and who should be getting spammed and not you.

But nonetheless you love that the fans were okay with you, well the majority of them anyway, and that they weren't so vile as they were to Louis' past girlfriends, or any of the other boys'.

You continued to scroll through tumblr until you stopped at a picture of you and Louis.

It had been from your one year anniversary; Louis had taken you to Paris, the city of love, and in the two weeks you had spent there Louis had shown you more of his romantic side that you hardly ever got to see. The picture was taken on the exact date of your anniversary with the stars out, the Eiffel Tower in the distance and the both of you looking romantically into each others eyes.

The caption read, Louis and Lauren; cutest couple ever (: <3 #matchmadeinheaven with a whole lot of reblogs agreeing with the source.

All those comments and the fact that the picture was high quality made you burst into tears. Never had a post made you so emotional but the strong feelings of missing your boyfriend and feeling of being accepted into a world that wasn't yours made it impossible to not feel overwhelmed.

Grabbing your laptop and logging into twitter, you started to feel more and more lonely.

The worst part about all of this? Not being able to have you hug me when I'm down. You tweeted

Not more than a minute had passed and you had already revived hundreds upon hundreds of replies mentioning Louis and how he should come online and cheer you up.

Although most of the tweets made you smile, you only wanted Louis and nothing would make you happy than having his strong arms wrapped around you.

As you continued to read your mentions and favoriting most of them your Skype began to make the all too familiar ring.

Before you opened the window occupying Skype to reveal who wanted to chat with you, your heart started racing hoping it was none other than Louis. And when you saw his user you let out a little scream and clicked answer.

But the smile that had replaced the small frown disappeared when you saw blonde locks instead of the regular brown ones your boyfriend had.

"Niall?" You asked a bit annoyed. You had been expecting your boyfriend not one of his best mates.

"Hey Lauren! How are ya?" He asked smiling.

"What are you doing on Lou's Skype" you asked, ignoring his question.

"He's being an ass that's what he's doing" you heard Louis say from a distance.

"Shut up! Can't I talk to my good friend Lauren without you interrupting me?" Niall yelled looking towards his right.

"Oh shut up blondie! Go watch some football with Liam" Louis said but this time you could see him. He pushed Niall, along with the computer chair he was sitting in away from the laptop and laughed.

"Fine I don't need you anyways" Niall said as he rolled out of the room.

As soon as he left Louis turned his head towards the computer screen and smiled.

"Sorry about that babe, I told him to ring you up and bring me the laptop but he was trying to be funny" Louis said grabbing the Mac and walking towards his bed.

"It's okay" you said smiling. He set the laptop down on the bed and laid on his stomach in front of it. He adjusted himself so you could see him clearly and smiled once again.

Being on the other side of the world from him for a good 3 weeks made you forget how beautiful he was.

His ocean blue eyes sparkled as he too took in your features, the crinkles at the edge of his eyes stood out as he began to smile more, his thin, pink lips spread across his face giving you one of the happiest smiles you'd ever seen, the little subtle on his chin made the childish complexion of his face a little more manly with a slight edge and his hair was swooped to side with a few hairs sticking out with gel.

Looking into his eyes all you wanted to do was kiss him, hug him or just touch him but he was miles and miles away from you. Distance had never been such a terrible and frustrating thing until you had met Louis.

"Are you alright love?" He asked breaking the long comfortable silence.

You looked down, not knowing where to start because you were anything but alright.

"I saw your tweet" he added. You looked up and sighed.

"I just miss you" you said, not wanting to explain yourself. You did miss him, although there was more to your sadness.

He sighed and looked down from the screen.

"I miss you too babe"

"I'll be home soon though, I just have a couple more shows before a break" he added trying to cheer you up and looking back up at you.

The thought of him coming back within a week or a week and a half did cheer you up a little.

"How long do I have to wait?" You asked smirking a little.

"You'll find out" he said winking. And with that you ended up laughing because "Louis the Tease" wasn't an image Louis could ever pull off.

"Hey stop laughing" he said trying not to laugh as well.

"I'm sorry, I just, you can't Louis" you said in between breaths.

So maybe he wasn't there to hug you or kiss you but his laugh along with his smile made all the bad thoughts go away and replace them with happy ones.

And for the rest of the night you decided to do your homework and laugh with your boyfriend Louis Tonlinson.


This one was long omg.

Sorry Lauren it look me so long to write it, and I mean sooooooooooooo long.

And sorry for the awkward ending, I never know how to end a chapter or imagine.

If you don't fan me or don't already know I'm going to be writing a fanfic!!

I really want to write one but as of right now I'm currently brain storming on what it should be about. I do know it's either going to be a Zayn, Louis or possibly a Niall one. If you have any suggestions on what the plot could be private message me ((:

I write from my phone and they added the bold and italics key and I'm just so I love with the creators of the wattpad app for doing this it has made my wattpad life easier!

Hope you all enjoyed this, see you sometime in the next 2 weeks ((:

xx Joce

[also p.s I'd love to make my readers an imagine so if you want one just comment your name, what boy and if you have any special preferences (like a specific scene, problem, setting etc etc)]


Twitter- @uhjocelyne

Instagram- @uhjocelyne

Tumblr: leighslover

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