Michelle and Niall :)

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"Chips, soda, cookies, ice cream, crackers, cereal, chocolate, marshmallows, yogurt...." you look at the Irish boy in front of you and sigh.

"How many things do we need?" you ask surprised. He turns his head in your direction and smiles.

"We've been together for 8 months now Michelle. You should be used to all the food I get" he says placing a kiss on your cheek. You laugh a little embarrassed and push the shopping cart. "I know I know but seriously Ni, all this food?" he turns his head back to you and smirks.

"Race you to the chips aisle!?" he bolts off without your answer leaving you with the empty cart.

"Here we go" you say walking towards the chips aisle.


"Where have you been?" someone asks form behind. You turn around and see Niall with 5 bags of chips. "Where have YOU been?" you ask glaring at him. While he was staring through the aisle of chips, you had been off getting all the things on Niall's list.

"It took you about 25 minutes to get 5 bags of chips? And 5!?" you say walking by a group of teenage girls. You turn around and see him smiling apologetically. "Sorry but I couldn't decide" you roll your eyes and keep on walking.

As soon as you turn the corner you hear a loud scream. You turn around seeing what you'd guessed; the group of girls all around Niall.

"Oh my god!! You're Niall Horan!!"

"Can we get your autograph!?"

"Niall! Oh my god I love you!"

"Are the other boys here too?"

"Niall! Niall! Niall!"

He looks at you and gives you an apologetic smile once more. You sigh and turn around. 8 months isn't enough time to get used to all the screaming, and cameras, and fans, but for the sake of Niall and your relationship you suck it up and plaster a big smile on your face.

"Oh my god Michelle! Can I get a picture with you and Niall!?" one of the girls asks. Shes in penguin pajamas, along with matching slippers. 'These girls were probably at a slumber party and decided to come get some snacks' you think to yourself.

"Sure......?" you say leaving your cart and walking up to Niall. The girl gives her phone to one of her friends and walks toward you and Niall. She squeezes between the both of you and smiles. Her friend takes the picture seconds after.

"Oh my god thank you so much!" she says looking at her phone. You look at Niall and smile. He gives you a small peck on the lips before getting back to his fans.


"They love you, you know?" Niall asks wrapping his arms around your waist. You jump up a little surprised but smile. "Who?" you ask putting the cookies in his food closet.

"Our fans" he kisses your neck gently and smiles. "Oh" is all you can say. "And they really think we look good together" he turns you around, grabs your face, and kisses you. The touch of his warm lips makes your knees weak making you grab on to his arms for support. Your lips mold perfect together, making your heart race.

As soon as he pulls alway you look down feeling insecure. "What's wrong?" he asks lifting your chin up. You look into his perfect blue eyes and sigh. His worried expression makes you give in and tell him.

"I don't know. Sometimes I look at your fans, the pretty 19 year olds, and feel really insecure. Sometimes I think that you'd rather be with one of them than with....me..." your head drops back down as you say the last sentence. Instead of pionting out all your beauties, Niall just wraps his arms around you. He holds you tight against his chest as you press your body against his.

"Michelle? You know why I asked you out?" he asks making you look at him. All you can do is listen to him while staring at his eyes. "I asked you out 'cuz you're beautiful, smart, funny, caring and just simply amazing. I would be stupid to want another girl. I love you just the way you are, and I wouldn't dream or replacing you with one of our fans. That's just ridiculous!"

He leans in and places a big kiss on your lips. Hearing him say that makes you feel a hundred times better.

You wrap your arms around his neck and place your head on his chest. "I love you Niall" you whisper loud enough for him to hear. "I love you too Michelle"

Maybe you weren't perfect but neither was him. And that's all that matters.


Finished! XD Hope you liked it!

If you want an imagine PM me! :) I'm always happy to write my readers or followers one :)


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:) that's all I gotta say!

Love ya xoxo ;)


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