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"Harry?" I asked opening my door slowly.

"May I come in?" He gave me a little smile.

"Um yeah but you have to be a bit quiet. Lucy is sleeping." I opened the door all the way and let him in.

I sat down on the bed and he sat next to me. It was quite for about ten minutes when Harry spoke up.

"I'm sorry for eairler. It was so uncalled for..." Harry couldn't even look me in the eyes he just kept on staring at the floor. I put my hand on his back and he looked up at me.

"Don't worry. It's fine really." I gave him a small smile. He put his warm hand on my cold face and before I could do anything he kissed me. I pushed Harry off and just looked at him.

"I think you should go." I couldn't even look him in the eye. He walked out and i just sat there and slowly fell asleep.

Lucy woke me us and was smiling at me in her crib. She moved her hair out of her face and put her arms up showing me that she wanted out. I checked the time, it was 6:58am and we had to leave at 7:30. So I picked up Lucy and gave her a bath. After her bath I dried her off and got her dressed into jean shorts, custom made black SideMen shirt just for Lucy, and black sandles. I dried her hair out so it was completely dry then took her own SDMN hat and walked over to Simon's suite.

"Simon can you giver her breakfast please? I would but I have to go get ready." Simon nodded his head I ran back to my suite and checked the time 7:10am.

I quickly just washed my hair and shaved my legs. When I got out of the shower it was 7:22am. I quickly blow dried my hair and threw on my balck SideMen shirt, some white shorts, my white flats, then I put on my Wroetoshaw hoodie and SDMN snapback and ran to Simon's suite. I made it just in time. Simon and the guys were leaving, Lucy came running to me so I picked her up, put in my headphones and listened to my music.

After the cab ride to where VidCon was going to be I hopped out with Lucy and checked the time 8:00am.

I turned off my music and walked with the guys to the sign in. After signing in and got out YouTube passes, except Kevin because he didn't do what we did. He broke off and went to go do his own thing so did all of the SideMen. I just walked around with Lucy taking the occasional picture and posting it to Instagram. When a person came up to me.

"Um excuse me." A girl tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and there were two other boys a bit older than me standing with her.

"Yes?" I asked smiling at the little girl.

"Are you 10k? From MrsSnuggeBugs on YouTube?" She smiled at me. I looked up at her what I think are her brother and nodded my head.

"Yes I am." I knelt down to her hight so I could get a better look at her.

"Can I get a picture with you cna could you sign my wroetoshaw hoodie?" Her eyes lit up with happiness. This was my first ever fan that I've meet. This is cool.

"Sure." I put down Lucy and took the picture with the girl.

"So what's your name?" I asked looking back up at the brother.

"Heather." She watched me sign her hoodie.

"You wanna know a secret. You can't tell anyone this Heather ok?" I smiled at her handing her back her hoodie.

"Pinky promise!" She held out her pinky and I connected our two pinkys together.
"My real name is Heather." I whispered giving her a big smile and putting my finger over my mouth so she knows not to say anything.

"Thank you!" She exclaimed wabing goodbye. I picked up Lucy and her brother picked her up.

"Hey Heather?" I asked looking back at her.

"You wanna go on a play date with Lucy tomorrow?" I didn't have to go to VidCon tomorrow and it would be good for Lucy to play with kids her own age.

"Can we Daddy?! Please? Before we go back to London!" She begged her Dad who now I know his name is Johnnie(age is 17).

"Sure. Here's the address we are staying at and here's my number. Come at around 9:30 tomorrow." He smiled at me hadning me a piece of paper.

"I don't have to be at the SideMen booth till 10:00 so you wanna go to the park with Lucy and I?" I offered putting the paper in my hoodie pocket.

"Sure." He smiled and we went to the park.

The girls were playing for about ten minutes when I started talking to Johnnie.

"What part of London are you from?" I asked taking a picture of the paper he gave me just incase I lost it.

"Manchester." He smiled waving at Heather who was waving at him.

"I live there. Looks like this won't be our last play date." I jokingly punched Johnnie in the arm.

"What a pitty." I sais. He laughed.

We sat there in silence when my phone started ringing. Simon was calling me.

"Could you watch Lucy for me for a minute?" I asked. Johnnie nodded and steped away not taking my eyes off the playground.

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