He Asks You Out On A Date - Jimmy Garoppolo

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It was about ten o'clock when you heard a knock on your apartment door.

You wondered who it could be this late at night as you pulled your sweater closer to your chest and got up off of the couch.

When you looked through the peephole of the door, you saw that it was only Jimmy. Your cheeks flushed a pale pink and you smiled instantly before opening the door.

"Jimmy, what are you doing here so late?" You asked him softly with a smile still stuck to your face. "I'm sorry I'm here so late Liv, I jut came here to ask you something. It's been on my mind all day and I couldn't help but do something about it."

Rob had been bugging him all day to ask you out, and it's been on his mind.
He couldn't help but swing by your apartment to see you. Besides, he didn't just want to see you, Jimmy needed to see you. He missed you.

"Would you like to come in?" Your voice was barely louder than a whisper. You were afraid to wake your neighbors. "Yeah, sure." You stepped to the side and opened the door a bit more allowing for Jimmy to come in.

"What's up?" You sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to you.

"I was just thinking." He paused. "Mhm." You hummed. "I was thinking that I want to be more than friends Liv. I like you. A lot."

This was the moment you were waiting for. For several months now you had realized that you developed feelings for Jimmy, you liked him a lot too. You were just too shy to show your affection, too afraid he wouldn't want the same.

"I was dreaming of the day you would say that to me Jimmy." Your cheeks flooded a crimson color. This is the moment you've been waiting for and you couldn't help but feel like a love drunk school girl.

"Really?" He asked shocked. "Yeah, I've liked you for a while now."

"This is great!" Jimmy let out a sigh of relief. "How about I take you out to dinner tomorrow night at 7? We can start there. How about a date?" He proposed. "I would love that. I'll see you at 7."

Jimmy kissed you're cheek like every time he departed from you before. Except this time it was different because you both knew that you liked each other, and there was no going back to the friend stage.

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