You Fight For The First Time - Rob Gronkowski

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"Rob!" I yelled out. This was the fifth time this week that I told him to clean up his mess. He just leaves his clothes and trash wherever he goes.

"What babe?" He kissed my neck and wrapped his hands around my waist.

"Don't 'what babe' me! And get your hands off of me. I've told you five times this week to clean up this ridiculous mess that's only getting bigger!" I placed a hand on my forehead. "You're overreacting, I'm sure if you asked me I would've cleaned it up. Geez, I didn't know it bothered you so much anyways."

I looked at him in complete exasperation. "Seriously? You're kidding me right? I'm not overreacting! I asked you five times and you just said 'okay babe I'll clean it later' and it's been a week Rob! You're such a slob." I was fuming. This was an argument that could've been prevented if he just cleaned up his mess.

"I'll clean it up okay!" He snapped. I've never seen him get mad at me before and we've been together for five years. "Let me just finish my game and then I'll clean it up okay?" Rob said sweetly.

"No." I crossed my arms over my chest. "Clean it now. No games, no tv, no anything until you clean it up." He rolled his eyes. "Stop telling me what to do Cara."

"I wouldn't have to tell you if you just did it the first time." At this point I was getting seriously annoyed. He can't just clean up his shit and then we can move on from this pointless argument? Of course not.

"If you want all of it cleaned so bad why don't you clean it yourself." Rob walked back into the living room and started playing his video games. I followed him. This isn't over until he cleans it up.

"You know what asshole? I'm sick of cleaning your messes! I've been doing it for the last five years. And let me tell you, lately I feel more like your damn housemaid rather than your girlfriend!" I was starting to tear up a little. "We've been together for five years and this is where we are? All you do is shove me to the side and make me clean and cook for you. Why can't you be a man and help me out? I can't do everything by myself! It's already hell when you leave me all by myself during the season, but even when you're home I still feel lonely!" He doesn't even pay attention to me anymore. Only when he wants something.

"I didn't know that was how you felt." I looked into his eyes. "I feel like you just don't pay attention to me anymore. Do you even still love me Rob?" He looked hurt by that. "Don't ever say that! Of course I love you Cara, I love you more than anything and you should know that. I've just had a lot on my mind lately. Come here." He patted his lap.

I sat down on his lap and he kissed my cheek. "You are my everything, and I'm sorry I've been treating you like shit. I'll tell you what, why don't we go on a date tonight and I promise I'll make it up to you. Now why don't you get ready while I clean up the place?" Rob smiled cheesily.

"I love you, Rob." I leaned in and pecked his lips. "I love you too baby."

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