He Proposes - Jimmy Garoppolo

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"Kayla." Jimmy muttered from beside me. "Kayla? Are you there?" He waved his hands in front of my face.

"Sorry, I got distracted." I couldn't help but think about football season being around the corner. Although Jimmy hardly played, it was still hard to make time to fit his busy schedule, whether he was traveling for games or spending the day at practice.

There was never times for the lazy rainy days like today, and we had very few date nights or time to just really be around each other.

It seemed like the offseason had started and ended in a snap of my fingers. It was crazy.

"Distracted by what?" I waved it off. "Nothing. It was dumb." Jimmy reached over and started to tickle my sides. "Are you happy yet? You look sad and I won't stop until you tell me you're happy." I giggled profusely as he continued to endlessly tickle me.

"Okay, okay! I'm happy, I swear it!" I smiled at my boyfriend of five years as we sat up in our bed having a lazy day. "Are you going to tell me now?"

"Nope." My smile fades as he pushed to draw an upsetting topic out of me. Jimmy grabbed me hips gently and pulled me beside him instantly connecting our lips.

His hands tangled in my hair softly and mine found their way to his bare chest. When he pulled away he looked at me with those undeniable, pleading eyes.

"Jimmy." I sighed. "Kayla, we've been together forever and you know that I love and care about you more than anything. I want to know what's on your mind. Please?"

"I'm afraid of losing you over football. We disconnect when your away, we barely spend time together because you're always gone and I'm just scared that one day this life isn't going to work out for me or even for you and we'll have to break up. I've loved you Jimmy for as long as I can remember and I don't want this to tear us apart."

"So you want me to quit playing football?" My heart dropped. "No. I never want you to stop playing. I just want you to assure me that we can still love each tomorrow as much as we do today. That you being away doesn't change a damn thing." Jimmy got out of bed and held out his hand.

"I want to prove something to you." I placed my hand in his and he pulled me up.

I stood up in the middle of our disheveled bedroom in Jimmy's shirt and a pair of shorts as it was the middle of summer, and Jimmy stood in his pajama pants lacking a shirt because I was wearing it.

He reached in the nightstand just beside our bed and pulled out a black velvet box.

"Kayla. I want you to know that I've had this for a month now. I've been keeping this for the right moment where I would have the right words to say. I can't tell you how much you mean to me, but I hope this does." He got down on one knee and I lost it.

"You mean everything to me. I'm sorry that I don't show it every second of everyday and I know that breaks your heart. I promise from this day forward to give you the world and all of my attention. I never want to lose you, so I hope you'll accept this." Jimmy opened the box and a diamond ring was glistening inside.

"Will you marry me Kayla?" I nodded unable to say anything. "I love you Jimmy Garoppolo." I cried and he got up and hugged me tightly after slipping the ring on my finger.

"I'm sorry this isn't exactly the most ideal place for a proposal. I was hoping it was going to be more romantic." I slapped his chest playfully.

"This is perfect. I couldn't have dreamed it up any better. Just you, me, and a lazy, rainy day."

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