He Gets Injured - Danny Amendola

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I was watching from the side line as Danny received Tom's throw. He jumped up in the air only to fall back down. His foot crumpling beneath him. I gasped in shock.

Danny fell to the ground and immediately grabbed his ankle. I knew something was wrong.

"Looks like Danny Amendola is down on the ground. He might have just succumbed to an injury there." One of the announcers spoke.

A few refs and a medic made their way to him while Patriots fans looked worried and surprised that this even happened.

He slowly stood up and his face wrinkled up and his eyes watering the from pain.

Danny was limping bad.

"Baby, what happened out there?" I grabbed his arm and helped him walk back to the locker room. "I don't know, one minute I was full of adrenaline and ready to run and the next I was on the ground with a shooting pain in my ankle." I kissed his cheek. I hope he's okay.

Moments later, the medic found us and told Danny that  his injury looked severe. He suggested that we get his ankle x-rayed at the hospital.

"This sucks Lexi. I really hope I can make it back for the playoffs. I remember when Jules was out last season with a broken foot and he missed seven games barely making it back in time for the playoffs." I sighed. "You'll be just fine. You're tough babe, you can pull through this and recover fast." He smiled.

When we made it to the hospital, Danny was escorted right into the x-ray room.

"Alright Mr. Amendola, let's have a look at your ankle." Dr. Harris rolled up his sleeves and took one look at Danny's ankle. "I'm definitely going to need to get an X-ray of your ankle. By the amount of swelling and the color- I'm going to have to say it doesn't look very good." Danny looked disheartened and it made my heart heavy.

About twenty minutes after the X-ray was over and done with, and Danny had a cast put on, the doctor came back in. "It's definitely broken, but you should be able to recover fast and smoothly with this young lady helping you out." I blushed. "I'll make sure he doesn't do anything he's not supposed to doc." Dr. Harris chuckled. "Good. I'll give you the prescription for his pain medication and I'll send you on your way."

He wrote down something on a note pad and gave it to me. "Keep your leg up as much as possible and take two of these pills a day. One in the morning and one at night." Danny nodded. "Alright, I'll see you in two weeks for a check up."

"Did you hear that babe?" I chuckled after we got in the car. "It's gonna be a lot of you and me for the next six or so weeks." He kissed my lips tenderly. "Good, I've been missing Danny and Lexi time lately anyways."

"You're such a dork Amendola! But I love you anyways. And keep your foot up!" I ordered. He laughed and lifted his foot back up. "Yes ma'am."

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