You Get Scared - Julian Edelman

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Imagine requested by @biancadelriofan

Looking on all of my social media, I've noticed that I had a lot of new followers and a lot of mentions on Julian's posts. 'I'm so lucky to have the most beautiful girl in the world' the post read.

Another one said, 'so blessed to be able to call you mine. Thanks Mrs. Edelman, you're the best.'

Still hearing him call me Mrs Edelman is the best thing in the world. We just got married a few months ago, but we've known each other forever.

If only he knew how lucky I am to have him too.

I went upstairs to our room, Julian was already asleep as it was late.

I changed out of my clothes into Julian's shirt and a comfortable pair of underwear. I loved wearing his shirts to bed, they smelled like him and made me feel comforted. Besides, Julian thinks it's the most adorable thing when I wear them.

I climbed into bed softly making sure not to wake up my sleeping husband. When my head hit the pillow, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep quite quickly. I was exhausted from today's agenda, it was a very busy day.

What seemed like only a few moments later, but rather a mere hour and a half, I heard a loud clap of thunder. I awoke quickly. A flash of lightening appeared in the window and then another clap of thunder was heard seconds later.

I turned on the lamp and sat up in bed. I absolutely hate thunder storms. They terrify me.

I felt a hand caress my thigh. Julian woke up too and rubbed my back. "It's only thunder Kay, just go back to sleep." I agreed even though I wouldn't be able to sleep. "Alright, but the light stays on."

Suddenly the power went out. Great. A few silent tears fell down my cheek and I put my head on Julian's chest. "What's wrong babe? I know that there's something wrong. What is it?" More tears fell down my cheek and my voice cracked when I spoke. "I-I'm scared Jules."

"Of the thunder?" He asked. "Yeah, the thunder. I hate that about myself, it makes me feel weak." Julian chuckled and then later his hand on my thigh gently rubbing in circles.

"You're not weak Kayla, you're far from it. Have I ever told you that you're the most beautiful, strong, and caring woman I have ever met? I never thought I would fed someone as special to me as you. You make me proud to call you Mrs. Edelman. You make me proud to be your husband and I feel blessed and beyond lucky to be able to even know someone as great as you. Being married to you is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love you Kayla." I cried tears of happiness as he kissed me gently.

"How did I ever find someone like you either?"

The lights came back on and Julian just looked at me for a few seconds in admiration. "I love you Julian." He smiled. "You look hot in my shirts."

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