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Dan didn't bother to go to his next class instead he walked outside and to the side of the building.

Leaning against the brick wall Dan sighs and slides down setting his head in his hands. He won't leave. He thought while shaking his head. He's hurting... B-but he knows.... So it's fine.... He's just adjusting.... Like  mom....

     He shakes his head again and looks up at the field in front of him and the lining of trees following after the fields end. Sitting up more and setting his backpack in his lap he looks inside the small pocket on the side taking out a familiar small box. He opens the pack taking out a cigarette and a lighter sitting nicely in the pocket where the box once sat.

    He put the cigarette between his lips lighting it and sighs puffing out smoke.  Keeping his attention on the smoke now filling the air around him and reminding him of the night.... The night that. That made all of this happen.

   "Dan! Watch your brother he's messing with the matches again!" Dans mother shakes her head taking the matches from the younger boy. "I told you to put them up in a high shelf after you started the fire!" Dan nods picking up Adrian and setting him on his hip smiling "yeah mom I know. But he wasn't doing any harm! It's not like he was going to set the house on fire." He joked laughing and his mother just rolled her eyes laughing.  "Alright just watch him me and your father are getting the living room set up for the guests coming over." She smiled walking out of the room "And make sure your room is cleaned up because Phil will be here too!" Dan smiled as Adrian bopped his nose. "I was expecting him to!" He laughed setting Adrain down and taking his hand leading him up the stairs. ........

  Dans thoughts clouded through his head and he hadn't realized that he had started crying. Puffing out another breath of smoke he coughs into his hand slightly.

    He shakes his head once again putting out the cigarette in the grass and wiping his face of his tears. Taking a deep
breath he gets back up walking back into the school still going unnoticed.
Hola!  Tbh I have no idea why anyone would read my stories but thank you if you are! I really appreciate it! But anyway.... Yeah here's this chapter.

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