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Wantlovemine this update is for you :)
"Zen!" I screamed, desperately trying to wake him up. He groaned and told me to shut up while slapping my chest. "Seriously, Zen? It's Sunday, we have that project for creative writing due tomorrow and we haven't even started!" I screamed at him again. Zen opened his eyes and let go of his grip around my body. "Okay okay. What did we have to do again?" He asked. I sighed. Why did I agree to be partners with him! "We have to watch this movie at the theater in town and then write a report of the allegorical meaning of it." I explained to him for like the one hundredth time this week. "And allegorical means?" He asked it so nonchalantly like he's never heard the word before. That's all professor has talked about since we started college. "It's when a story has a hidden message or lesson within it." I told him while he nodded along. "Okay, when are we going to go watch it?" He looked up at me. "Right now." I said flatly.

Zen wasn't pleased with me at all. It was 9:00 on a Sunday morning and I dragged him to a theater where only old people go for classic movies. Zen looked miserable through the whole movie. He fell asleep a few times on my shoulder, in which I flicked his face repeatedly. When the movie was over, I bought Zen an extra bucket of popcorn just to please him. "I figured out the allegorical meaning of the movie." I told him. "What is it?" He asked me. "The hidden lesson/message was to not believe that you love somebody based on the first time you see them. The girl learned that the boy wasn't at all as he seemed. She was so sure that he was the one, but only because of the way that she admired his perfect brown hair and straight white teeth and the way he spoke every word with confidence. She loved him because of the way he carried himself, not because of the way he truly was in his heart. I guess the allegory was to not judge a book by its cover. She learned the lesson that everyone may at some point judge a book by its cover, but once you read the book and understand it you realize it was nothing like you thought. It caused you heartache instead of tears of joy." I finished up my little lesson. "Wow. That's poetic! You're so cute when you talk all writer like." Zen said in a fake strident voice. "Anyway, there was also a line that I really liked at the end of the movie which is where she basically realized they wouldn't last forever. She said; 'you know I'll never forget you and what we once had or could've had. All the ups and downs. The smiles and frowns. The endless laughs and handwritten love paragraphs. We had something perfect in my eyes until I realized it was only a fantasy, a vision that I idolized.' I really liked that line." Zen smiled up at me. "Hey, ash? Do you think we'll actually be able to pull off the report?" Zen asked me looking serious now. I knew he really does care about his grades. "Yeah, most definitely. I'm already planning it in my head. I have two paragraphs done already." I said and Zen laughed although I was being totally serious. When we got back to his apartment we worked for hours on our report. It was around 5:00 pm when we finished. "Ah!!! It's so beautiful!" Zen screamed. "I know!!" I yelled back. We were honestly so exhausted from writing the report that we skipped dinner and just collapsed on to Zen's bed. We both fell asleep in a matter of minutes. I couldn't stop thinking about the girl in the movie. She had appeared in many of my dreams that night. Everything she did seemed to revolve around that boy. Everywhere he went, she went. She was too involved. Her happiness depended on his happiness. The only thing that saved her from total depression was the fact that he wasn't everything that she imagined. That's what happens when you chase love. Love runs when you chase it.

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