Chapter 8- Congrats

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I drove past Laura's house and picked her up. I didn't realise she had such a beautiful front yard, full of bright coloured roses.
We drove to the pizza place to pick up the pizza for Ebony's tonight. My phone started buzzing in my pocket I looked at the number and realised it was the same number that called before, with all the boys laughing in the background... So I decided not to answer it.
We got our 2 party size pizzas and were walking back to the car when my phone started buzzing again. It was the same number so I decided to answer it.

'Ummm.... Hello' I said curiously
'Hi' the voice on the other side answer
'Ahhh... Who is this?' I replied
......................................... The phone call just ended, I didn't get the persons name and I didn't know why the were calling. I felt scared and unsure. Were boys just trying to mess with my mind? Or did someone need help? Was it the boy that wrote me the note? I didn't know.......

We arrived at Ebony's with pizza, that was missing a few pieces.
Everyone came and gave us big hugs and Ebony welcomed us to her home.

Ebony's, Laura, Julia, Aarie and I were all standing drinking alcohol illegally around the pool as the boys were all canon balling in. I still felt unsure of the weird phone calls I was getting so I decided to ask the girls for some advice.

'Hey I need your advice..... I've been getting some weird ass phone calls, the first one I answered and it was a group of boys all laughing, the second one I ignored and the third one I answered and it was a boy and all he said was 'hi' and then he hung up...... I don't know who it is and why they keep calling me and it's all from the same number' I sighed

'Yeah that is weird, has anything else happened?' Aarie asked curious

'Yeah, I went to get my pjs from under my pillow and found a letter all scrunched up' I shrugged

'Well what did it say?' Laura asked, her eyes beaming.

'Something about how I'm the right girl and I'm clever and I'm the one he's been looking for........ Something like that..... It was a poem' I shivered at the thought of it

'O LA LA, some one has a crush on you, some one has a crush on you' they all screamed acting like 5 year olds as the boys got out of the pool only to grab their girlfriends and pull them in. Once they were all in I jumped in after them.

After we had our pizza we all sat down to watch a movie that no one could decide on. In the end we ended up choosing 'The Avengers' no one really was focused on it though.

Ebony paused it and gave Calum a look, he nodded and stood up. And the couples snuggled up together kissing and giggling stopped and all the eyes went to Calum and Ebony who were standing very nervous.
Calum cleared his throat and began to speak
'Umm..... As you all know Ebony and I have had sex and I am pleased to announce that I have created a little human that I growing inside of the one person I love the most' he smiled as he wiped the tears away from his eyes and turned around to give Ebony a big hug.
'Congrats big guy, I didn't think that you'd be the first one to have a child' Ashton laughed hugging Laura from behind as she tried to congratulate Ebony.
Everyone was thrilled to hear the news.

'Do your parents know?' I asked feeling a little awkward

'No, not yet. We are planning on telling them when they get back' Ebony smiled and nodded at Calum, who retuned a smile.


I woke up the next morning with a massive headache, probably from all the alcohol I thought to myself as I got up to go to the toilet. Once I had done my business I looked in the mirror and checked myself out to see if I had got any weird tattoos or piercings. Which I was quiet happy I didn't.
I walked back downstairs and realised that everyone was now up.

'Sleep well?' Luke smirked as he kissed his giggling girlfriend, Julia.

'Mehhh, It was ok but now I've got a killer headache' I replied looking around confused by everyone's behaviour.

'Yeah we know what that's from' Michael laughed

'Oh my god what?' I asked

'Well, last night you drank the most alcohol and while Julia and Luke were having a make out session you walked in on them and tried to join in, then once they walked out of the room leaving you by yourself you started acting like a cat and as you were going down the stairs you slipped and fell going head first into a wall' Ashton laughed

'Oh shit, did I really do all of that?'

'Yep, and to make it even better once you had fallen down the stairs you had 3 shots of vodka' Laura giggled

'And you wouldn't go to bed until the boys hugged you naked......... But they didn't do that because you were knocked out' Julia laughed as she poured everyone some orange juice.

'Oh my Lordy............ I'm so sorry, I didn't realise I did any of this'

'Yeah we got that' Calum smiled


I wasn't able to drive myself home so Julia and Luke were kind enough to drop me off. Luckily my parents weren't home which gave me a bit if time to have a nap.

I woke up 6 1/2 hours later feeling really dizzy and sick. Thankfully my parents were now home. I walked downstairs nearly falling over. I walked clumsily to the toilet downstairs where I puked my heart out. I was walking to the couch when I stopped. My whole body stopped. I was lying on the ground unconscious.

I woke up in hospital the next day, apparently I was twice the limit over how much alcohol you can have. I also had concussion.
My doctor said that I had to stay in hospital for another to days so they could flush all the alcohol out of my body system before I got alcohol poisoning.
The second day of being in hospital all my fried s came in to see how I was doing. I'm so thankful I have good, supportive friends.

'Omg are you ok, are you feeling any better?' Laura asked concerned, she was training to be a paramedic.

'I feel ok I guess, I feel sick every now and then, but that's because of the medicine' I smiled weakly.

'I feel so bad' Ebony said quickly.

'Nah, it's fine. I was taught a lesson which was "don't drink so much, and do stupid stupid things" see.....' I tried to laughed but it turned into a cough

'Yeah, good thing to know, aye....' Ashton smiled.

The doctor came in ready to give me my next lot of medicine.

'Sorry guys but you're gonna have to leave now, it's time for Emma's next lot of medicine' He said in a deep, soft voice.

They all waved goodbye and both Julia and Ebony blew me a kiss.

I quiet liked my doctor, his name said Ben across his name badge.

He looked young and sexy I thought to myself as he injected my arm and I dozed back to sleep.

Hello again, it's me.

Sorry I haven't updated in like forever...... But my goal is to update on valentines day💞
(Not edited)
Hope your all well💕💕💕

If you have insta please follow: @forever.seconds

T H A N K Y O U xxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2016 ⏰

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