Chapter 4 - First Friends

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I walked through the school gates feeling nervous, I looked around and saw four girls standing by a table. I kept on walking until one of them called out to me "hey I'm Ebony what's your name?" I smiled and went over to the girl with long brown hair with blonde streaks in it she had big brown eyes and looked friendly. " hi I'm Emma" i say shyly I look at the other girls one had brown hair, another had blonde hair and a lip piercing and the other one had red hair and an eye brow piercing.

"Oh we'll it's nice to meet you Emma, I'm Laura" smiled the one with brown hair. I nodded and looked at the other girls again when I noticed Ebony had a tattoo around her collar bone it looked really nice on her I thought, but my parents would never let me do anything like that as I started to think about what my parents reaction would be if I got a tattoo as another one started to speak.
"I'm Aarie and that's Julia, sorry Julia's looking out for our boyfriends just not Laura's her's goes to a different school" smiled the one with red hair and an eye brow piercing. I nod and look at the girl with blonde hair and a lip piercing as she sat on the table looking out for the boyfriends. She turned around and looked at me with a smile revealing her lovely straight, white teeth.
I stood there for a few moments and I talked to the girls just about general stuff. When Julia's phone went off, she had a really cool ring tone to the song I was made for loving you baby, by kiss. She picked it up off the table an answered it.

She finished her call and smiled at the girls
"Hey, they'll be here soon" she smirked
I smiled at her and turned around to look for the toilets I found them and told the girls that I'll be back.

I walked back to the girls and saw that there was three boys standing with them which I was guessing were their boyfriends.
"Hey guys I'm Emma" I said not really knowing what to say
"Hey I'm Luke, Julia's boyfriend" a tall, blonde guy with a lip piercing smiled as he leaned in and pecked Julia on the lips.
" and I'm Calum, Ebony's boyfriend" a guy with brown hair with, blonde streaks in it and a tattoo smirked he wrapped his arm around Ebony's waist and kissed her check making her giggle.
" I'm Michael, Aarie's boyfriend" a guy with red hair and an eyebrow piercing mumbled and he grabbed Aarie's butt making her jump.
I raised my eyebrows surprised by their behaviour and feeling a little bit awkward.
" My boyfriend's name is Ashton" Laura grinned as she looked at the other's doing there thing.

"So..... Tell me a bit about your self Emma" Calum said with his arm still around Ebony.
"Um.. Well.... I'm 16 years old, I was adopted when I was 3, I've just moved here from London, I have a dog called Spunky and um... Yeah" I smiled not knowing what else to say.
"Mmm ok, so this is your first day at this school yeah?" Michael smirked

" Yeah, I don't really know we're I'm supposed to go so if you guys could help me that would be much appreciated" I smiled now feeling more comfortable then I did.

"Yeah sure, what's your first subject?" Luke asked as he looked into Julia's eyes and kissed her again.

I pulled out my timetable and checked what I had on first "um.... Geography" I said looking at what else I had on today.
" oh cool you've got that with me" Laura smiled as she popped a bubble of gum that she was chewing on.

"Hey gorgeous, how was your day" mum grinned as I hopped in the car
"Yeah good, I met four really nice girls mum and three boys. Aarie's dating Michael and they both have red hair and an eyebrow piercing, Julia's dating Luke and they both have blonde hair and a lip piercing, Ebony's dating Calum, they both have brown hair and blonde streaks at the front and they both have matching tattoos. Then there's Laura she has brown hair and she has a boyfriend called Ashton but I haven't met him yet cause he goes to a different school, but I hear he has brown hair and sometimes wears glasses." I grinned taking a big gulp of water.

"Well it looks like you've had a big day of um.. Talking" mum laughed as we pulled into the drive way.
I helped mum unpack the car and was greeted by a very happy Sparky.
I checked my phone and found I had friend request's on Instagram from Luke, Julia, Calum, Ebony, Aarie, Michael and Laura. 'Cool' I thought 'these are my first friends ever we are gonna do so much together'.

I ran down stairs and thanked mum for moving she was a bit surprised of what I had just done but hugged me.

HEY! Just to let you know that Aarie, Ebony and Laura are my real life friends so don't be MEAN. Sorry for any mistakes...

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