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Many months later....

It's summer not just any old summer day; the hottest day the Sirius crew has ever experienced. The other guys had finally accepted me as crew. Captain decided we all needed a day off the ship for some r&r. Captain ordered Eduardo to take us to a cool island. I changed into my new bikini I had gotten a few islands back. The bikini was with little blue polka-dots. After I put on my bikini Thomas grabbed the rest of the things the guys made him carry. I offered to help him but he said he could handle it.

Once we got off the ship the guys headed straight to the beach to tan. I ran to the water.

"Come on you guys!"

I yelled over the waves crashing around my legs. They completely ignored me and continued their tans. I was not pleased with their reaction so I grabbed an old bucket that was on the ship filling it with water and threw it all over them. They weren't mad they just got up and went to get in the water and all the guys tried to dunk me. I was laughing the whole time believe it or not; they were enjoying themselves. So why complain?

Thomas and I are still going strong but he's a little over-protective but he told me he's only that way because he's scared that someone might steal me away from him. I told him there's nothing to worry about. Our day at the beach lasted longer then intended. Nightfall had come and we were all tired. We fell asleep on the beach.

I accidently fell asleep in my soaking wet bikini and my hair dripping. I woke up at 3 am, my arms wrapped around Thomas' neck. Thomas and I fell asleep on the towel that I once shared with my lawn boy when I was thirteen who I admit I had a crush on.

'I wonder where he is now?' I always wondered when I was fourteen but now it really didn't matter because I had Thomas. Then it clicked for me. THOMAS WAS MY LAWNBOY!!!!!!!! I thought as memories rushed back to me. All the similarities, the personalities, it was true Thomas was my lawn boy. But I decided not to say anything; it was going to be my little secret.

After I had my realization I smiled at Thomas' sleeping face then I snuggled back into his arms and fell back into a deep sleep. When I woke up I couldn't stop coughing.

"It was cold last night maybe I caught a cold," I told myself when I was alone in the moment.

The crew and I had gotten back onto the Sirius but my cold had gotten worse . I had lost my voice from coughing so much and then I went to Christopher.

Christopher checked me out.

"You have pneumonia," Christopher said with a tense tone.

I spent the next couple of days and nights in the sickbay. I was doing well until my health went south. I couldn't eat and I would just spit out any medicine I was given. I had a dangerously high fever and I overheard Christopher say my chances of survival were beginning to dwindle. One day Thomas came to check on me.

When he talked his voice would crack; I knew he feared the worst would come of me. Taking that to thought I picked up a notepad and scribbled down the words,

'Don't worry about me.'

I touched his hand to get him to look at the notepad and I smiled to show I'd be fine. Thomas looked off after he read my words then looked at the medicine bottle. He took the medicine bottle and looked at me. Thomas drank the medicine and gave it to me mouth to mouth. Within the next hour I was up walking, talking, and eating it sounds strange considering how close to death I was. I never took a lot of medicine growing up so it worked incredibly fast.

I will owe Thomas for saving my life now and many times before. But the whole time I was sick I kept thinking about Thomas and me when we were kids and how much fun we had together; then how much I missed him when he left. I found Thomas sometime after we celebrated my health's return. I asked him all the questions only the boy I grew up with would know. He answered all of them correctly, my secret that was more a crazy guess than anything. I knew  Thomas was the same Thomas I grew up with.

Thomas looked act me puzzled at why I'd ask something so crazy.

"Why are you asking?"

"I was the little girl who hired you and fell in love with you."

He was shocked but happy.

"Why did you leave when I turned fourteen?"

Thomas looked down sadly.

"Because I knew you'd have a better life if I wasn't there but I fell for you. I knew I had to get out before I hurt you, when I left I took this picture."

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