Back to school...

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When Thomas and Luke got home from  school Thomas handed me the assignments I had missed. I acted like I had a cold so it looked like I was sick.

                                               "Puberty was natural," Mom said when she found out.

It was so awkward around Thomas though. One day Thomas came up to me and said,

                                             "You look different."

                                             "I don't know what you're saying Thomas, I'm the same old Dakota."

I panicked. Either way I started back to school today and Casey asked me out.

                                            "Sorry, but I'm not interested."

I said before trying to walk off when Casey grabbed hold of my wrist when I heard a loud pop. Thomas came to my rescue when he heard my wrist pop. The next thing I know Casey's lying on the floor holding onto his jaw. Thomas punched him. Thomas grabbed my hand and we ran out of the school as the dismissal bell rang. Thomas took me to a hospital to get my wristed checked.

                                             "You're wrist was snapped in two," Dr. Jones told me.

Dr. Jones put my wrist in a cast and by the time I got it taken off it was only a number of days until my thirteen birthday and Thomas' too; he was born on the first of October. A few days after Thomas' birthday his voice got deeper, I remember studying this in biology. He was mature now and Dad wasn't going to let him sleep in my room anymore. Dad bought a travel cot for Thomas to sleep on. I woke up to see Thomas sleeping next to me on my bed, I was confused because he fell asleep on the cot so I don't understand how he ended up in my bed.

 I fell asleep again to wake up again but this time I found myself leaning on him; I was enjoying the feeling so I went back to sleep. We woke up at 8:30 in the morning. I was still leaning on him he was awake before me.

                         "Did he let me stay because he didn't want to wake me up," I wondered.

Every night after Dad did his nightly kid-check to make sure all kid's were in there beds.  Thomas would crawl out of his bed and into mine and we'd lay there until we both feel asleep.

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