No One Said This Would Be Easy | 3

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Chapter 3: As Though My Day Couldn’t Get Any Worse

I ran and I ran, without a single clue as to where I was going. I wasn't running away, I just needed to get out of that house. Normally, I would head to Ace’s house whenever I felt stressed, but after tonight I don’t think that’d be a good idea. I had no other friends in the nearby either, so where would I go?

I decided to head to the Big Oak; a tree in the abandoned park near my house. I was close enough that I could see the park now, and then I heard a heart-stopping sound.

The screeching of tires echoed through the night. These tires belonged to a familiar looking black van. My whole body was alert and maybe if I maneuvered myself well I could outrun this vehicle.

Did I seriously believed that? Well, no. If I did, I’d be a optimistic and gullible cow. Situations like this never end well. I’d be lucky if tonight ended and I still had my head attached to my body and my virginity intact.

I hadn’t even reached the end of the block before I was cornered. The van was approaching at a speedd so fast I thought it was going to slaughter me and drive off. However, right when the van was about a few centimeters away from my now hyperventilating body, it stopped.

I sighed in relief that I hadn’t been run over, however, my body was still on edge. My heart pumped so fast I swear at any moment it would thump right through my chest onto the ground in front of me.

The window of the can wound down and a particularly ugly brunette, who under different circumstances I would recommend to my dermatologist, glared at me. Him and the other two goons from my dad’s office were in there.

“Get in the car,” He demanded, venom evident in his voice. His voice didn't match his baby face and this helped slide me back into a calm state. I crossed my arms to portray how unwilling I was to get in that van. I took a step back just so I was just out of arms' reach, don’t want to take any chances.

“Why would I want to get in that car with you,” I spat arrogantly. He kept his mouth a line, but I swore I saw it twitch and a low noise came from within his throat. I would have cringed if my stubborn self had allowed it.

“Just get in the car you twit, I don’t want to have to do this the hard way.” He snarled. I rolled my eyes, this seemed like a bad scene out of a cop movie.

“How would my dad feel about you threatening me like that? He isn’t going to be too happy,” I stated smugly. But he only smirked and a spark hit his eyes, “Dad? He isn’t your father, for Christ Sake you don’t even bloody look like him! So just get in the damn car so we can get going!”

Even though the comment had shaken me a bit, I didn’t let it show. I swallowed my fear, and as confidently as I could muster it, I ran right around the car and towards the Big Oak, I knew they would still coming after me but I couldn’t care less. Just when I was about to turn the corner from the car, I felt a tugging, on my hair. That hideous brunette was pulling on my hair to drag me to the car. I think I may have it boiled after this occasion.

I tried to run forward but when I did, I could feel all the hairs on my head burning, as if they were each being individually plunked from my head. I reluctantly back tracked and looked at the black suited goon, he grinned wildly. He looked like an actual loon.

“So can we get going, dear?” He asked smugly. I snarled and reluctantly followed him to the car (for the sake of my hair). His grasp never once left my head. After I got in he shut the door and sat beside me. He started to stroke my hair absent-mindedly and I stared daggers at his pimpled face.

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